In March 2015 we presented our Bundle of Laundry to let you fight Cthulhu Mythos horrors according to strict government procedure. The Laundry tabletop roleplaying game from Cubicle 7 Entertainment is based on the satirical novels of occult civil servants by UK science fiction writer Charles Stross. This collection presented everything you need — almost everything there is! — for your own campaign about The Laundry, a branch of the British secret service tasked to fight hideous alien gods while maintaining ISO 9001 compliance.
Our two-book Starter Collection (retail value $40) included the complete 288-page Laundry Core Rulebook (retail price $25) and the indispensable Agent’s Handbook (retail $15), both as DRM-free, non-watermarked .PDF ebooks. Customers who paid more than the threshold price also got our entire collection of bonus supplements (retail value $75):
- Black Bag Jobs (retail $15): Six self-contained missions ranging from the war-torn hillsides of Afghanistan to the corridors of power in Whitehall, from yoga lessons in Devon to the end of the world.
- Cultists Under the Bed (retail $15): Eight of the nastiest, most tenacious foes of the Laundry, plus dozens of minor ones.
God Game Black (retail $15): Expands on the revelations of The Apocalypse Codex novel to send your games hurtling towards Armageddon.
- The Mythos Dossiers (retail $15): Dozens of reports, handouts, eyewitness accounts and deranged speculations from the murkier reaches of the Laundry’s archives.
- License to Summon (retail $15): All about Computational Demonology and the other arcane sciences within the Laundry.