ArsMagica5-CorebookIn late May 2015 we revived our Ars Magica Fifth Edition Bundle from August 2014 featuring the Atlas Games RPG of medieval myth and magic, Ars Magica by Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein-Hagen. This collection offered everything you need to start your own saga in Mythic Europe using the acclaimed ArM Fifth Edition.

The Bundle of Holding and Ars Magica go way back. We offered the current (Fifth) edition of the Ars Magica rulebook in our Bundle of the Ages, a collection of historical RPGs originally presented in August 2013 and resurrected in March 2014. Also in March 2014 we presented a collection of vintage ArM supplements that supported the earlier Fourth Edition (1996-2004). This Fifth Edition offer debuted to great success in August 2014.

We admire ArM hugely as one of the field’s seminal designs. It was a harbinger of the acclaim awaiting both its designers, Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein-Hagen. We were proud to revive this large assortment supporting the current edition, which is widely regarded as the finest ever. It’s also a farewell to longtime ArM line editor David Chart, who had just announced his retirement from the line.

ArsMagica5-HousesOfHermes1-TrueLineagesOur Starter Collection (retail value $55) presented five titles as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Ars Magica Fifth Edition: The complete, current 240-page rulebook.
  • Covenants (retail $15): The essential guide to help players improve the homes of their magi.
  • Houses of Hermes: True Lineages (retail $12): A detailed treatise on four powerful Houses of the Order of Hermes.
  • Apprentices (retail $7): Every great magus started as a callow youth.
  • The Living Covenant: Over two dozen free characters and setting files from the Atlas Games website, collected here in a handy 42-page booklet.

Those who paid more than the threshold price advanced in the Art and also got our complete Storyguide’s Collection with five more bonus supplements (retail value $70):

  • Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults (retail $15): The second treatise on the Hermetic Houses.
  • Houses of Hermes: Societates (retail $15): The third and final Hermetic Houses volume.
  • The Lion and the Lily (retail $15): The Normandy Tribunal sourcebook about the many active covenants in densely populated northern France.
  • Tales of Mythic Europe (retail $15): Nine short adventures that push your saga to the limits of Mythic Europe.
  • The Broken Covenant of Calebais (retail $10): The first-ever ArM adventure, originally written by Mark Rein-Hagen and Jonathan Tweet, updated for the current edition.
  1. Got this bundle about a week ago. Thanks Atlas Games and Bundle of Holding! I’d be interested in a bundle of Unknown Armies books, too. I see that I missed a previous bundle for that game in 2013… Consider this post a vote for its return! Perhaps with the addition of the sourcebook Postmodern Magick. Or better yet, a new bundle including the entire line (13 books counting the 1st edition, free supplement, and novel).

    1. We revived our October 2013 Unknown Armies offer last July, so it will be a while before we bring it back. There’s a new edition on the horizon, though, so we may ask Atlas Games about a possible revival to tie in to the new version’s arrival.

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