Dark Ages Arthurian roleplaying in the Bundle of the Ages +2Longtime Bundle of Holding customers may recall our August 2013 Bundle of the Ages, a small but choice collection of historical and historical-fantasy tabletop roleplaying games inspired by medieval and Renaissance Europe, the Napoleonic wars, colonial America, and ancient Greece.  In August 2015 we followed up with an all-new Bundle of the Ages +2, a huge companion collection of RPGs that range from Dark Ages Britannia through the 17th Century, and even into realms of piratical fantasy. And with the addition of a classic time-travel RPG, you could traipse across the timelines to visit them all!

Our Starter Collection presented four titles (retail value $41) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Age of Arthur (Wordplay Games, retail price $15): A gritty Arthurian Britain of the Dark Ages, powered by Fate 3rd Edition.
  • On Her Majesty’s Arcane Service (Better Mousetrap Games, retail $10): Help Doctor John Dee defend the new British Empire from occult threats.
  • Outremer (Better Mousetrap, retail $10): An alternate 16th Century where the Crusader States have survived and thrived.
  • Timemaster (Goblinoid Games, retail $6): The classic 1980s Pacesetter game of high-impact time-travel adventure. It may seem weird to include Timemaster, which is set in the 72nd Century, in this collection of games set in the past. But think about it: Timemaster gives you a great way to link up all these times and places for a single group of player characters. It’s a sprawling gonzo campaign waiting to happen.

The new Maelstrom roleplaying game in the Bundle of the Ages +2Customers who paid more than the threshold price also received our entire Bonus Collection of seven more titles (retail value $91):

  • Pirates & Dragons Core Rulebook (Cakebread & Walton, retail $25): Fantastic swashbuckling in an archipelago of strange beasts and vile necromancers. Includes the Dragon Isles Poster Map (retail $2).
  • Maelstrom Domesday (Arion Games, retail $15): A new version of the classic British RPG Maelstrom, set in 11th-Century Anglo-Norman Britain.
  • Northern Crown (Atlas): Fantastic D20 System adventures amid the legends and myths of colonial North America. Includes both New World Adventures (retail $15) and the Gazetteer (retail $15).
  • Heirs to the Lost World (Obsidian Serpent, retail $10): The mythic New World during the Age of Exploration.
  • Servants of Gaius (Bedrock Games, retail $5): An alternate Roman setting where the supposedly mad emperor Caligula is actually defending the Empire from a secret invasion.
  • Timemaster: Clash of Kings (Goblinoid, retail $4): The best-regarded Timemaster adventure, a trip back to the Dark Ages to locate the origins of King Arthur.
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