
In October 2015 we launched the all-new Bundle of Nerves +3, a big collection featuring Silent Legions, Shadows of Esteren, and — ta daaa! — Pinnacle Entertainment‘s complete Savage Worlds rulebook and Horror Companion, plus two Savage Worlds settings. These .PDF ebooks present somber Gothic/Celtic mystery, pulpy thrills-n-chills, and Lovecraftian terror. This +3 collection ran in parallel with the original Bundle of Nerves, revived from October 2013, as part of our annual October Horrors series.

We had four titles in the +3 offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $50) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Shane Lacy Hensley’s complete 193-page Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer’s Edition rulebook from Pinnacle Entertainment, and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion (Pinnacle, $20 total retail price).
  • Kevin Crawford’s Silent Legions (Sine Nomine Publishing, retail $20): Sandbox-style Old School Lovecraftian terror from the designer of Stars Without Number.
  • Dead Teenager RPG (Creepy Doll Studios, retail $10): In this totally classy and tasteful game, you play the victims in your own slasher flick, angling to be the last one left alive.

Crawford-SilentLegionsThose brave customers who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with six more titles (retail value $75), including two Savage Worlds campaign settings:

  • Accursed (Melior Via, $20): The Witchmarked monsters who fight for redemption in the dark fantasy world of Morden.
  • Rippers (first edition) and the Ripper Companion (Pinnacle, $20 total): The original editions of the Victorian steam-tech Savage Worlds setting that just raised $90K+ on Kickstarter for a Rippers Resurrected” edition.
  • Shadows of Esteren Book 0 – Prologue and Book 1 – Universe (Agate RPG, $20 total): The English translations of the sensational ENnie-winning French fantasy RPG that shows its Gothic/Celtic atmosphere on every gorgeous page.
  • Noctum: Full Corpse Edition (Wicked World Games, retail $15): A disturbing modern-day RPG of existential horror.

WatsonMarkerDunn-AccursedThat’s a $125 value for less than the cost to spend a night in a haunted mansion. (Granted, that would be a steep price.) Ten percent of this offer’s revenue (after gateway fees) went to its designated charity, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.


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