Esoterrorists-Corebook-2eIn November 2015 we presented The Esoterrorists Bundle, an all-new collection featuring The Esoterrorists tabletop roleplaying game by Robin D. Laws (Feng Shui, HeroQuest, Hillfolk) from Pelgrane Press. As an investigator for the benevolent secret conspiracy Ordo Veritatis, you defend modern-day reality against a loose network of occult terrorists, the Esoterrorists, who try to weaken the protective Membrane and summon Unremitting Horrors from the Outer Dark. The Esoterrorists was the first RPG to use Robin’s GUMSHOE System (seen in Trail of Cthulhu, Night’s Black Agents, and many other RPGs of detection and mystery).

The Esoterrorists Bundle included everything you need — both ebooks and music! — for your own campaign of heroic struggle against sinister world conspiracies. Our Player’s Collection included five titles (retail value $44) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks or .MP3 music tracks:

  • The Esoterrorists 2nd Edition (retail price $15): The original GUMSHOE System investigative game of sinister occult conspiracies. We also include The Esoterrorists 1st Edition (retail $9), because Pelgrane gave it to us so why not?
  • The Esoterror Factbook (retail $15): An indispensable reference for assets, protocols, psychogeography, Membrane permeability, and Techno-Macho Utterances.
  • Dissonance – Music for Esoterrorists (retail $5): Four atmospheric tracks by composer James Semple encompassing suspense, action, and horror for The Esoterrorists or any modern mystery game. Includes the music that introduces the ENnie-winning podcast Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff.
  • Worldbreaker: An exclusive pre-release draft of a forthcoming Esoterrorists world-spanning campaign by Robin D. Laws, available only in this offer and nowhere else.

Esoterrorists-EsoterrorSummoningGuideThose who paid more than the threshold (average) price gained +2 to Negotiation and also got our entire Gamemaster’s Collection with seven more titles (retail value $62):

  • The Esoterror Summoning Guide (retail $10): The Ordo Veritatis summarizes what it knows of the enemy’s world-threatening methods.
  • Book of Unremitting Horror (GUMSHOE version, retail $15): A boundary-crossing collection of truly disturbing modern monsters.
  • Albion’s Ransom: Little Girl Lost (retail $9) and Worm of Sixty Winters (retail $9): A complete two-part campaign of battle against a climate catastrophe in northern England.
  • The Love of Money (retail $10): A full-length campaign investigating Esoterrorist funding sources, and what they’re doing with all that rhodium.
  • NEW! Profane Miracles (retail $5): A fast-paced high-society investigation of a millionaire supposedly raised from the dead.
  • NEWER! Six-Packed (retail $4): A gruesome revenge killing in a London slaughterhouse leads to a terrible threat from the Outer Dark.

GUMSHOE-BookOfUnremittingHorrorThat’s a US$102 value, well worth it just for the (possible) protection from Torture Dogs, Snuff Homunculi, Feral Drowners, and other Unremitting Horrors. (Protection not guaranteed.)

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