Czege-TheClayThatWokeIn November 2015 we presented the Indie Cornucopia +3, the third annual installment in our Thankgsiving series of offers featuring recent top-shelf small-press tabletop RPGs. This time out we had fine games from such luminaries as Robin D. Laws (Feng Shui, Hillfolk), Ron Edwards (Sorcerer), Paul Czege (My Life With Master), and Mark Diaz Truman (Cartel, Our Last Best Hope). This was a nigh-spectacular collection, well worth anyone’s attention.

Our Starter Collection included three games (retail value $34) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Circle of Hands (retail price $15): From Ron Edwards, a Dark Ages fantasy about survivorship in the Crescent Land, where wrought iron clashes with white and black magic.
  • Nefertiti Overdrive (retail $11): Wire-fu action set in ancient Egypt. Time to kick Assyrians in the face!
  • Starfall (retail $8): In 1951 aliens attacked Earth and easily won. Humanity has been enslaved. There is no hope — or is there?

MedeirosTruman-UrbanShadowsThose who paid more than the threshold (average) price also received our entire Bonus Collection with four more games (retail value $45):

  • The Clay That Woke (retail $14): Stoic minotaurs in a crumbling civilization beset by a voracious jungle. A Kickstarter hit from Paul (My Life With Master) Czege.
  • The Gaean Reach (retail, $9): Robin D. Laws (GUMSHOE, The Dying Earth) helps you seek vengeance against Quandos Vorn in the stellar society of Jack Vance’s “Demon Princes” and “Alastor Cluster” novels.
  • Urban Shadows (retail $12): Political machinations of vampires, faeries, hunters, and wizards in a modern city, powered by the Apocalypse Engine rules.
  • Mazza-BloodRedSandsBlood Red Sands (retail $10): Competitive roleplaying against the terrible Witch King of Abalahn in a brutal swords-and-sorcery setting.


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