
In January 2016 we presented TWO simultaneous offers that, together, included the entire run of Traveller “Little Black Books” as .PDF ebooks for a bargain price. In the 1970s and early ’80s Game Designers’ Workshop published over 50 of these half-size manuals with elegant black cover designs. The LBBs established Traveller as the leading science fiction RPG. And though these books were small, there were a lot of them — so many books that, to bring them all to you, we had to split them into two bundles. And to be honest, we’re worried this could backfire.

The first offer, Traveller LBB-1, resurrected our popular June 2015 collection with all eight rulebooks (the three corebooks plus Mercenary, High Guard, Scouts, Merchant Prince, and Robots) plus major supplements (1001 Characters, Animal Encounters, etc.) and several adventures. The second offer, Traveller LBB-2, was a new, separate companion offer that includes the rest of the line — nearly three dozen supplements and adventures. That’s over 50 books! Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to the charity chosen by Traveller designer Marc Miller, Heifer International.

TravellerLBBs-S05-LightningClassCruisersWe know the split-offer thing could have been confusing. This was an experiment to see whether the Bundle of Holding format can encompass game lines too large for a single offer. For instance, we could imagine bringing back our February 2015 Vampire: The Masquerade offer and, running in parallel, a companion collection of Clanbooks. Or two Champions offers, one with rules and sourcebooks, the other with (say) the Ultimate line of character supplements. We’ve already presented much of the Torg line, in two offers about six weeks apart; imagine a mega-Torg collection all at once. There are many possibilities — and this successful Traveller experiment validated them.

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