Newport-OpenQuest2-DeluxeIn march 2016 we presented the OpenQuest Bundle, featuring the comprehensive OpenQuest OGL-licensed tabletop roleplaying rules system from D101 Games inspired by RuneQuest. OpenQuest‘s heritage actually traces back through Mongoose Publishing’s version of RuneQuest, published under the Open Gaming License. (After Mongoose lost the RQ license, they republished the system as Legend.) D101 owner Newt Newport based OpenQuest on the Mongoose RuneQuest System Reference Document and incorporated ideas from previous editions of Chaosium’s RuneQuest and Stormbringer Fifth Edition, mixed with some house rulings from his 20 years of experience with the D100 system. Easy to learn and fast-playing, OpenQuest extends the original percentile-based fantasy system (made popular in Call of Cthulhu and many other RPGs) to support modern-day and science fiction settings.

OpenQuestAdventuresThis wide-ranging offer opened new frontiers in Old School fantasy, global paramilitary security, and transhumanist space opera, all using the same popular system. There were six titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $46):

  • OpenQuest 2 Deluxe (retail price $15): The complete 262-page Second Edition rulebook with fast-playing, easy-to-learn systems based on RuneQuest. As a convenience to our customers, we also include the free 170-page OpenQuest Basic rules in a newly updated color version that debuts in this offer. After launch we added The Clockwork Palace, an 11-page OpenQuest adventure location, a huge brass building full of intricate mechanisms.
  • OpenQuest Adventures (retail $7): Four complete scenarios that adapt the OQ system to other genres and settings — including the original D100 world, Glorantha!
  • The Savage North (retail $12): Sword-and-sorcery adventures in the frozen waste. A complete self-contained setting, including four adventures.
  • Life & Death (retail $9): A scenario/sourcebook of a post-apocalyptic Bronze Age fantasy realm.

Ossoway-RiverOfHeavenThose who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with six more titles (retail value $57) that expand the OpenQuest system from fantasy to the modern day and beyond the Solar System:

  • Crucible of the Dragons (retail $12): Explorations of the Isle of Pharae, a 144-page Old School fantasy sandbox setting in the tradition of Clark Ashton Smith and Ray Harryhausen.
  • The Company (retail $15): Modern warfare and paramilitary security operations in hotspots across the globe.
  • River of Heaven (retail $15): Transhumanist hard-sf space opera in the 28th Century. We also include the River of Heaven adventures The Last Witness (retail $5), Reunion (retail $5), and the new A Message From Furthermost (retail $5), a deep space search-and-rescue mission that debuted in this offer.

That’s an open-handed US$103 retail value. Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s designated charity, the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

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