MongooseLegend-CorebookIn June 2016 we presented the Mongoose Legend Bundle, an all-new collection of ebooks featuring Legend, the fantasy RPG based on RuneQuest. In 2006 Mongoose Publishing released a licensed edition of RuneQuest, and followed it in 2010 with a new edition by longtime RQ stalwarts Lawrence Whitaker and Pete Nash. After its RQ license lapsed in 2011, Mongoose refashioned the system as Legend. This version still works with all previous Mongoose RuneQuest II books, such as Elric of Melnibone, Deus Vult, and Wraith Recon. This bargain-priced collection included everything you need for a complete Legend campaign across history or in fantastic worlds.

MongooseLegend-Arcania-BloodMagicThere were five titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $37) as as complete, DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the Legend rulebook (retail price just $1!), the essential equipment guide Arms of Legend (retail $12), and three Arcania of Legend magic books: Blood Magic (retail $12), Elementalism (retail $12), and the free Spirit Magic chapter cut from the main rulebook.

MongooseLegend-SamuraiOfLegendThose who paid more than the threshold (average) price improved their Skill and also got our entire Bonus Collection with seven more titles (retail value $93), including the two bestiaries Monsters of Legend I and II (retail $12 each) and four historical campaign supplements: Gladiators, Pirates, Samurai, and Vikings of Legend (retail $12 each). A later addition, Sheoloth, the Sprawling City (retail $21), presented a dark-elven city of mystery, intrigue, and danger.]

That’s a nigh-legendary total retail value of US$130. Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s designated charity, Doctors Without Borders.


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