• If you like Greg Stafford’s Arthurian roleplaying game King Arthur Pendragon (and our May 2014 Pendragon Bundle), check Pendragon publisher Nocturnal Media’s Kickstarter campaign to revive Stafford’s 1989 Prince Valiant Storytelling Game. Based on the long-running comic strip, the Prince Valiant RPG is an elegant introductory game enhanced by Hal Foster’s matchless artwork. This campaign returns Prince Valiant to print in a full-color hardcover edition. Stretch goals add new Episodes from many leading designers.


  • Jake Richmond of Atarashi Games contributed Tokyo Brain Pop to our December 2013 Super Asian Blast and Ocean to the original October 2013 Bundle of Nerves. Now Jake is Kickstarting The Magical Land of Yeld, an all-ages RPG based on his long-running webcomic Modest Medusa. Yeld is about kids trapped in a fantasy world. They explore colorful and strange lands, seek out secret dungeons and temples and challenge powerful boss monsters.
  • Game designer turned novelist Stephen D. Sullivan contributed his novel Tournament of Death to the very first Bundle of Holding (February 2013). Since then Steve has written two sequels, and now he’s Kickstarting the final volume in the sequence. He’ll write Tournament of Death 4 “live,” online — a new chapter each day of the 16 days of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janiero, August 5-21. Basic support is just US$1.
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