tunnelsandtrolls-deluxerulebookIn November 2016 we brought you the all-new Old School Revival Bundle 4, celebrating the neoclassical movement to recapture the spirit of roleplaying’s earliest days, the Old School Revival. This fourth annual OSR collection — by far the most successful installment of the series so far — featured vivid campaign settings, strange megadungeons, unsettling modules, hundreds of maps, and — ta dahhh! — the new edition of Tunnels & Trolls!

finch-podcavernsofsinistershroomThere were no less than eight titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $42.50) presented as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Deep Carbon Observatory (False Machine, retail price $10): A harrowing underground quest by Patrick Stuart (Maze of the Blue Medusa) illustrated by the redoubtable Scrap Princess.
  • The Pod Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Expeditious Retreat Press, retail $6): The first Advanced Adventures module by OSR pioneer Matthew Finch (Swords and Wizardry).
  • Castle Gargantua and Mad Monks of Kwantoom (Kabuki Kaiser, retail $5 each): A Gothic megadungeon and a spectacularly fun Asian campaign sourcebook.
  • One-Page Dungeon Compendia 2013-2015 (Shattered Pike Studio, total retail $9): These three official collections present 270+ entries in the popular One-Page Dungeon Contest. Sales of these collections support the contest.
  • 2014 Dodecahedron Cartographic Review (ZERObarrier, retail $7.50): Dyson Logos, archmage of dungeon cartography, gathers works from his Dyson’s Dodecahedron blog.

mcgrogan-yoonsuinThose who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with eight more titles (retail value $80.50):

  • Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls (Flying Buffalo, retail $20): The latest and greatest edition (complete! 386 pages!) of Ken St. Andre’s 1975 classic. Includes the Gamemasters Screen (retail $1).
  • Dwimmermount (Autarch, retail $10): The Labyrinth Lord version of Autarch’s colossal 400-page science-fantasy megadungeon and campaign setting.
  • Yoon-Suin (noisms, retail $9): David McGrogan’s acclaimed roll-your-own campaign setting, a languorous Yellow City in a remote Purple Land.
  • Misty Isles of the Eld (Hydra Cooperative, retail $12): Chris Kutalik’s acid fantasy mini-sandbox standalone sequel to Slumbering Ursine Dunes.
  • Chthonic Codex (Lost Pages, retail $18): Paolo Greco’s unique campaign setting of cutthroat academic politics in a magical university.
  • Tunnels & Trolls: Goblin Lake (retail $3): The new deluxe version of Ken St. Andre’s classic solitaire adventure.
  • 2015 Dodecahedron Cartographic Review (retail $7.50): The latest giant map collection from Dyson Logos.

greco-chthoniccodexThat’s a total retail value of US$123, worthy of Treasure Hoard Class IV and a +10% modifier on the Miscellaneous Magic Items table. Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s designated charity, Doctors Without Borders.


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