In December 2016 we presented two offers featuring a colossal trove of titles from our friends at Cubicle 7 Entertainment, publishers of The One Ring, World War Cthulhu, The Laundry RPG, Rocket Age, and many other fine games: Cthulhu Britannica and — our single richest offer ever — Cubicle 7 Worlds.

Cthulhu Britannica

Cthulhu Britannica is Cubicle 7’s long-running series of Call of Cthulhu supplements and scenarios that bring the Mythos to the British Isles. This Cthulhu Britannnica Bundle included the original Britannica scenario collection, the giant London supplement (a spectacular Kickstarter success in November 2013), and the entire London support line.

Our Starter Collection (retail value $65) included the original Cthulhu Britannica scenario collection (retail price $15) and the massive 408-page Cthulhu Britannica London set (retail $50), with the Investigator’s Guide, Keeper’s Guide, and Adventures in Mythos London, plus maps and posters.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with four more titles (retail value $58), including the seven-part campaign The Curse of Nineveh (retail $23) and its two deluxe handouts, The Journal of Reginald Campbell Thompson and The Journal of Neve Selcibuc (retail $15 apiece). And after launch we added the short adventure Ballad of Bass Rock (retail $4), where investigators stranded on a remote Scottish island go from bad to worse to much, much worse.

That’s a US$122 value for an insane bargain price!

Cubicle 7 Worlds

Cubicle 7 Entertainment published the English translations of four fantasy RPGs originally produced in French by the design studio Le 7ème Cercle [site in French]. Qin: The Warring States, Keltia, Yggdrasill, and Kuro were all masterminded by Neko (7ème Cercle CEO Valérie Laproye). These beautiful games are set in ancient China, in Britain and Scandinavia in the Dark Ages, and in near-future Japan. This spectacular Cubicle 7 Worlds offer presented all four of these games and their complete English-language support lines — a total retail value of US$233.

All four complete games were in our Starter Collection (retail value $95) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Qin: The Warring States (retail price $25): The gorgeous 272-page rulebook of adventure, glory, and martial-arts action in ancient China.
  • Keltia (retail $25): In Ynys Prydein (Britain) in the late 5th Century, Myrddin the Elder guides heroes of Destiny to pave the way for Arthur Pendraeg.
  • Kuro (retail $20): Unremitting Japanese horror — “Ghost in the Shell meets The Ring” — in a dark high-tech future. Includes the free adventure Last Stop.
  • Yggdrasill – Lands of the North (retail $25): Scandinavian explorers seek glory and immortality from the snowy plains of Jutland to the halls of Northern kings.

And ourBonus Collection had ten more titles (retail value $138) — the complete English-language support lines for all four games in the Starter Collection.

  • For Qin: Qin Bestiary (retail $15), Legends (retail $10), The Art of War (retail $18), and The Tournament of Scarlet and White (retail $5).
  • The sole Keltia sourcebook in English, Avalon (retail $12).
  • The rest of the Kuro trilogy: Makkura (retail $15) and Tensei (retail $18).
  • Everything for Yggdrasill: The Nine Worlds (retail $15), Kings of the Sea (retail $15), and Uppsala (retail $15).

We’ presented three of these games (Qin, Kuro, and Yggdrasill) in past offers — but even if you have those, note that Keltia and the new supplements here were worth $155 by themselves.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to these offers’ designated charity, Doctors Without Borders.


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