In January 2017 we presented the Adventurer Conqueror King System Bundle featuring the Adventurer Conqueror King System, Autarch‘s sweeping FRPG that lets you build and run your own fantasy kingdoms. In other Old School Revival FRPGs your character’s path to greatness is abstract, even undefined. ACKS adds a new wing to the Old School with its epic-scale domain construction rules, which help you develop an entire setting in the sandbox spirit of the hobby’s earliest campaigns — and then give your high-level player characters the challenge of conquering and running it. And many ACKS systems adapt easily to any D20-based FRPG or B/X retroclone.

This bargain-priced offer included pretty much the entire Adventurer Conqueror King System product line. There were five titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $40), all presented as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Adventurer Conqueror King System (retail price $10): The complete corebook with comprehensive, integrated support for play across all levels of a campaign. (Previously presented in the November 2013 Old School Revival offer.)
  • ACKS Player’s Companion (retail $10): Add 19 new ACKS character classes, and get under the hood to create your own classes.
  • Domains at War: Campaigns (retail $7.50): Chart your heroes’ rise to power with these comprehensive rules for military actions among kingdoms.
  • The Sinister Stone of Sakkara (retail $10): This ideal introductory adventure highlights everything ACKS brings to your gaming table.
  • Auran Empire Primer (retail $2.50): A graceful introduction to the official ACKS campaign setting, a not-yet-fallen empire in late Antiquity ripe for conquest.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with eleven more titles (retail value $72):

  • Dwimmermount (ACKS version, retail $10): Autarch’s colossal 400-page science-fantasy megadungeon and campaign setting. Includes the Dungeon Tracker (retail $10), Map Book (retail $7.50), and Illustration Book (retail $5). (We presented the Labyrinth Lord version of Dwimmermount in the November 2015 OSR +4. The supplements are new to this offer and work with both versions.)
  • Domains at War: Battles and Troops and Terrain (retail $7.50 each): Conduct the landmark conflicts from your Campaigns actions as easily as you run character combats.
  • Lairs & Encounters (retail $10): More than 165 ready-to-play monster lairs, plus rules for creating and advancing monsters fit to challenge a kingdom.
  • Guns of War (retail $5): Add early firearms to Domains at War or any FRPG setting to bring it into the Age of Pike and Shot.
  • Three issues of Axioms (total retail $12), the quarterly ACKS supplement with new rules, articles, and scenarios.

That’s a total retail value of US$112, a stake large enough to launch you on the path to mastery of your domain. Ten percent of each purchase (after gateway fees) went to the charity chosen by Autarch owner Alexander Macris, the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation. “It’s a charity near and dear to me,” says Alex. “My wife, Amy, was the first bladedancer in the Auran Empire, but she is now so sick with mito disease she can no longer even play tabletop RPGs. Her illness has no cure and limited treatments; the UMDF is trying to change that for her and other sufferers.”

  1. The packaging of Domains at War seems a bit backward… having the rules for building armies doesn’t seem to be of much use without the rules for having them fight!

    1. By itself, Domains at War – Campaigns lets you conduct complete military operations in the abstract. The Battles and Troops and Terrain supplements let you play out specific individual conflicts.

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