• Middarmark is The Burning Wheel’s new campaign world of perilous adventure for the Torchbearer RPG (from our November 2014 Indie Cornucopia +2).
  • Kobold Press is funding a new edition of its Midgard Campaign Setting, which we showcased in our July 2015 Midgard Bundle and, before that, the July 2013 Bundle of Zobeck. This new campaign updates Midgard for Pathfinder and D&D 5E.
  • Age of Anarchy is a historical RPG (powered by the “Perpetual Motion Engine”) set in lawless England after the Norman invasion. “King Stephen of Blois and the Empress Matilda both claim the throne. It is a period of strife between factions, and a time when powerful feudal lords are created and destroyed. The Anarchy is full of dramatic events, The King of Scotland launches an invasion to support Matilda’s claim to the throne. King Stephen imprisons bishops who oppose him and confiscates their castles. The Empress Matilda’s forces take King Stephen prisoner, and his wife Maud leads the forces still loyal to the king. This turbulent period of history is dramatized in Ellis Peters’ Brother Cadfael novels, and in Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth, both turned into successful UK television series.” Age of Anarchy comes from Ryan Danks (Jadepunk, in the November 2014 Bundle of Fate +2) and Paul Mitchener (Age of Arthur and Hunters of Alexandria, both seen in past offers).
  • The December 2013 Super Asian Blast included Monkey: The Storytelling Game of the Journey to the West. Now Newt Newport of D101 Games is returning to mythic China with a second incarnation of Monkey.
  • Professional sound designer Wes Otis of Plate Mail Games creates custom environmental audio loops that provide atmospheric background ambience for roleplaying sessions. We presented a big selection of his work in the November 2013 Fantasy Tracks offer. Wes is Kickstarting a new collection of loops for Monte Cook’s Numenera setting.
  • Daniel Solis designed Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple (in the Bundle +4, June 2013) and its follow-up Fate of the Flying Temple (in the recent Family-Friendly RPGs +2). Through his company, Action Phase Games, Dan is funding a mischievous trick-taking card game, Trickster.
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