- If you bought our September 2015 Apocalypse Engine Bundle, you got the preliminary “Ashcan Edition” of Cartel, a Mexican narcofiction RPG from Magpie Games in which players portray bold narcos, naive spouses, and dirty cops caught up in Mexico’s eternal drug war. Now designer Mark Diaz Truman is Kickstarting the complete, full-color hardcover edition of Cartel.
Nathan Paoletta, who designed World Wide Wrestling (in that selfsame Apocalypse Engine offer) and Annalise (waaay back in the September 2013 Indie Treasure Trove) is Kickstarting Imp of the Perverse: A Jacksonian Gothic American Horror RPG. “In this darker version of the 1830s and 1840s, you play a member of society with an Imp of the Perverse on your shoulder, constantly impelling you to do terrible deeds. Only by hunting down those who have given in to their Imps, and turned into monsters themselves, can you rid yourself of yours. As you hunt, your Imp grows in power, tempting you with more and more of the rewards that await beyond the Shroud.”
- Kyle Simons of Samjoko Publishing (Magicians, in the December 2013 Super Asian Bundle Blast) is funding Hack the Planet, a cyberpunk and climate fiction RPG that uses John Harper’s Blades in the Dark system.
Mongoose Publishing (which contributed our April 2016 Mongoose Traveller offer, among others) is seeking pledges for Traveller: Element Class Cruisers, a giant boxed set for Mongoose Traveller 2E with giant-sized blueprints for every deck of a huge Imperial Navy starship.
Frog God Games (seen in our July 2015 Frog God Lost Lands offer and several Old School Revival Bundles) is funding a new full-color edition of the venerable Rappan Athuk megadungeon for D&D 5E.
Don’t forget the many Patreon campaigns that support our past contributors, including Avery Alder, D. Vincent Baker, Joseph Browning, Dennis Detwiller, Evil Hat Productions, Johnn Four, Kenneth Hite and Robin D. Laws, Berin Kinsman, Kobold Press, Dyson Logos, Jess Nevins, Wes Otis (Plate Mail Games), Epidiah Ravachol, Fraser Ronald, Daniel Solis, Paul Stefko, and Mark Diaz Truman (Magpie Games).
And two Bundle alumni (so far) have started enlisting supporters on Drip, Kickstarter’s new Patreon clone: Bully Pulpit Games (Fiasco, Night Witches, The Warren) and Delta Green co-designer Dennis Detwiller.