In May 2018 we presented our first-ever software collection — and what became our top-selling offer ever — the Campaign Cartographer Bundle featuring ProFantasy Software‘s Windows mapping program for tabletop RPGs. Authors, game designers, and thousands of gamers have beautifully mapped the worlds of their imagination with Campaign Cartographer, the roleplaying hobby’s flagship mapping program, for Microsoft Windows. (Check this CC map gallery and CC video tutorial.) For this offer ProFantasy provided digital downloads of the latest and best version, Campaign Cartographer 3+, along with its Dungeon Designer 3 plug-in, the Tome of Ultimate Mapping tutorial guide, and over a dozen Style Packs, symbol sets, and map collections.

ProFantasy’s Core Collection included the latest Windows version of Campaign Cartographer 3+ (retail price $40) plus the Tome of Ultimate Mapping (retail $20), a 710-page tutorial guide with more than 150MB of support files like example maps, symbol catalogs, tutorial files, and templates.
Those who paid more than the threshold price also got ProFantasy’s Bonus Collection with no less than fourteen more products worth an additional $136: the fabulous Dungeon Designer 3 plug-in (retail $40) for CC3+ and more than a dozen Style Packs, tool sets, and map collections originally released as part of ProFantasy’s Cartographer’s Annual series. The entire offer had a total retail value of $201, one of the richest in Bundle history.