In September 2018 we presented two offers featuring Greg Stafford’s masterful game of glory and chivalry in Arthurian Britain, King Arthur Pendragon. First, we resurrected (for a third time!) the original June 2014 King Arthur Pendragon Bundle, with the current Edition 5.2 rulebook and key supplements. Joining the revival was an all-new companion offer, Pendragon Arthurian Lands, with vintage location sourcebooks and scenarios that range across the British Isles and beyond.

1. King Arthur Pendragon
[revived from June 2014]

The King Arthur Pendragon offer at the Bundle of HoldingOf over 19,800 games in the comprehensive Game Index, King Arthur Pendragon ranks #5. Pendragon is the crowning achievement of legendary designer Greg Stafford, founder of Chaosium and discoverer of Glorantha.

As a knight in the perilous and magical time of King Arthur, you adventure to gain Glory and, in time, to found a lineage of descendants. As the 85-year saga advances, you play your original character’s children and grandchildren in a spectacular multi-generation campaign — an experience without equal anywhere in roleplaying. Pendragon isn’t just about adventuring; it is a painstakingly researched, amazingly detailed game about the noble, passionate, and ultimately tragic Knights of the Round Table.

Pendragon Tales of Chivalry and RomanceOriginally presented in June 2014, then resurrected that December and again in June 2017, this King Arthur Pendragon Bundle included everything you need for a campaign using one of the most honored and respected RPGs ever published. If you’re new to Pendragon, start with these books. There were five titles in this offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $57):

The Great Pendragon CampaignThose who paid more than this offer’s threshold price (starting at $22.95) also got this offer’s complete Bonus Collection with four essential supplements worth an additional $72:


2. Pendragon Arthurian Lands [all-new]

Tthis all-new Arthurian Lands companion added location sourcebooks and scenarios from the 1990s. Originally written for the Third and Fourth Editions of Pendragon, these supplements all work well with the current rules.

(These .PDFs are image scans of the original 1990s hardcopies with Optical Character Recognition applied. Text is generally clear and copiable; some sidebars are muddy and usually not copiable. The covers were poorly scanned.)

There were four titles in this offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $34), including Saxons! (about the Germanic invaders in southeast Anglia), Perilous Forest (set in Cumbria), Savage Mountains (Cambria, i.e. Wales), and the adventure collection Blood and Lust (Cambria, Logres, Anglia).

This offer’s Bonus Collection had five more titles worth an additional $44, including Pagan Shore (Ireland), Beyond the Wall (Caledonia — Picts!), Land of Giants (Scandinavia — Beowulf!), and the adventure collections Tales of Mystic Tournaments and Tales of the Spectre Kings.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to these two Pendragon offers’ designated charity, the RPG Creators Relief Fund. The RCRF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization founded to provide financial assistance to tabletop roleplaying game creators suffering hardship due to medical emergencies, natural disasters, and other catastrophic situations.


King Arthur Pendragon resources

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