In August 2019 we presented a War on Everything Bundle of print-and-play board wargames that let you battle on Earth and in space. These games are suitable for one or two players, are easy to print and assemble, and take less than two hours to play. Their battlegrounds range from a zombie-infested Earth to deep space to three alien planets, and there was even a historical game where you play competing plagues trying to wipe out 14th-Century Europe. This new collection of .PDFs included classics like Marc Miller’s two Traveller “Series 120” boardgames, Mayday and Snapshot, as well as Steve Cole’s fleet-action game Starfire in its 1993 Third Edition, reprinted by the Starfire Design Studio.

There were four complete boardgames in our Declaration Collection (retail value $48), including Snapshot; Invaders From Dimension X! and Zombie War from Tiny Battle Publishing; and Greg Porter’s morbidly historical Black Death.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price built up their forces with our entire Escalation Collection that added four more games worth an additional $60, including Mayday, another Traveller game; the Classic Starfire Core Rules Bundle (with the Revised Tactical Rulebook, Imperial Starfire, and Sky Marshal #2); and Tiny Battle’s two sequels to Invaders, Space Vermin From Beyond! and Attack of the 50 Foot Colossi!

In a September 2011 BoardgameGeek forum post, Mark “ZombieMark” Mitchell offers “crazy-quick and stupid-simple” advice for printing and assembling print-and-play wargame components.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s designated charity, The DOTS RPG Project. The DOTS Project, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, makes roleplaying games accessible to visually impaired players and other people with disabilities. DOTS has created 3D-printable Braille polyedral dice and Fate dice models, transcribes rulebooks in Braille, and works with publishers to address screen-reader accessibility.

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