In June 2020 we presented the Fellowship Bundle featuring the Liberi Gothica Games Apocalypse Engine FRPG of heroism against world-shattering odds, Fellowship. In Fellowship one player becomes the Overlord, bent on world destruction. The other player characters form a coalition of heroes who undertake a perilous journey to save the day.

Adapting the simple and flexible Apocalypse Engine system (also used in Dungeon World), Fellowship lets you enact your own epic adventure a la The Lord of the Rings or Avatar: The Last Airbender. As a member of the fellowship, you have a unique playbook (Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Heir, Orc, Squire, Heir, Harbinger) that defines your Moves and abilities. You play as the hero of your people, and you have full control in defining them. When you play as the Elf, you decide what Elves are, what their culture is like, what they value and desire, and their relationship with the world. When someone asks about the Elves, all eyes turn to you for the answer.

The Overlord has a special playbook with an agenda, armies, bonds, gears, foibles, and “My Only Weakness.” During play the Overlord can level up like the heroes, and gains powerful custom moves like “Fear Me,” “And in the Darkness Bind Them,” and “You’ve Met With a Terrible Fate, Haven’t You?” (which lets you curse a hero). The Book 2 expansion Inverse Fellowship (based on Liberi Gothica’s Inverse World campaign for Dungeon World) replaces the Overlord with the Horizon, for adventures of exploration in a dangerous otherworld. Fellowship Book 3: In Rebellion establishes a fascist Empire the players try to overthrow.

This bargain-priced offer presented the 2019 Second Edition of Fellowship plus both its supplements. (We presented Fellowship First Edition in the November 2016 Indie Cornucopia 4.) This offer also included many Dungeon World playbooks that are compatible with Fellowship. There were six titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $30) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Fellowship Second Edition core rulebook (2019); a set of Dungeon World Alternative Playbooks with The Mage, the Priest, the Templar, and the Artificer; and four more DW playbooks: Cultist, Dashing Hero, Spellsword, and Witch.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with eight more titles worth an additional $48.50, including Fellowship Book 2 – Inverse Fellowship and Book 3 – In Rebellion; five more DW playbooks with new takes on the Mage (Clock Mage, Dragon Mage, Masked Mage, Star Mage, Winter Mage); and Creatures of the Night, with “Advanced Playbooks” that turn your existing character into a vampire, werewolf, or ghoul.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s designated charity, Human Rights Watch.

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