In May 2021 we presented two all-new offers featuring the Second Edition Traveller SFRPG line from Mongoose Publishing. The Mongoose Traveller 2E Bundle had the core MgT2 Starter Set and essential 2E supplements. And its companion offer, Traveller Pirates of Drinax, added Gareth Hanrahan’s epic sandbox campaign of spacefaring across the Trojan Reach sector.


The Mongoose Traveller 2E Bundle had everything you need to play any science fiction RPG campaign, from desperate battles across the stars against evil empires, through free traders operating on both sides of the law, to mercenary companies desperate to find their next ticket. Traveller lets you explore the universe the way it suits you.

(Where books with the same title exist for both First and Second Edition, this offer presented the 2E version.)

There were three titles in this Mongoose Traveller 2E offer’s Player Collection (retail value $100) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Mongoose Traveller Second Edition Starter Set (comprising the MgT2 rules and The Fall of Tinath campaign); the versatile Traveller Companion rules expansion; and the Central Supply Catalogue 2E.

Those who paid more than this offer’s threshold (average) price, which is set at $27.95 to start, also got this offer’s entire Referee Collection with ten more Second Edition titles worth an additional $114, including High Guard 2E and its Deployment Shuttle spacecraft sourcebook; the Second Edition Vehicle Handbook; six Referee’s Briefings, and the MgT2 Referee’s Screen.



The companion offer, Traveller Pirates of Drinax, added the massive sandbox spacefaring campaign across the Trojan Reach sector by Gareth Hanrahan (Eyes of the Stone Thief, The Dracula Dossier, The Darkening of Mirkwood).

Spinward of the Imperial capital, the Trojan Reach is a border sector of 460 stars with a total population of about 600 billion in nine sophont groups. A gaggle of small independent states, with just a few worlds each, separate the Third Imperium from the Aslan Hierate. The Tlaiowaha Subsector, now dominated by the Aslan, was once ruled by the Kingdom of Drinax, named for its throneworld (Trojan Reach 2223). A recent disastrous war with the Hierate shattered the Kingdom and left Drinax blasted and lifeless.

In The Pirates of Drinax King Oleb XVI of Drinax entrusts the Travellers with a letter of marque, permitting them to prey on ‘illegal’ trade within his vanished kingdom. The King hopes this privateering will give him leverage to restore Drinax to glory and win back all the planets lost over the last two centuries.

But the King’s plans are just the starting point for The Pirates of Drinax campaign. Once the Travellers have their letter of marque and ship, their path is up to them. Will they stay loyal to their patron and help restore Drinax? Will they turn rogue and create their own kingdom? Will they be heroes or monsters, pirates or privateers? At all points the choice is up to the Travellers. The Trojan Reach is their sandbox.

(Note: All the titles in this Pirates of Drinax offer require the Mongoose Traveller rulebook.)

There were four titles in this offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $100), including the three-volume, 595-page The Pirates of Drinax campaign set itself (a $50 value!) along with three Reach Adventures that complement the main campaign: Marooned on Marduk, Theories of Everything, and The Calixcuel Incident.

This offer’s Bonus Collection added five more titles worth an additional $90, including the helpful Drinaxian Companion (a compilation of no less than ten earlier titles) and the recent Shadows of Sindal campaign expansion, plus three more Reach Adventures: Last Flight of the Amuar, The Borderland Run, and Exodus.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to these two Traveller offers’ pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief gets protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.

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