In July 2021 we presented two offers featuring Fragged Empire and its companion post-humanity, post-post-apocalyptic tactical RPGs. First, the revived January 2019 Fragged Bundle hasd the Fragged Empire core rulebook plus Fragged Kingdom and Fragged Seas. And the all-new companion offer, Fragged Aeternum, added the 2017 Aeternum setting of gothic horror in an infinite city, along with new supplements and adventures for all the Fragged settings.

Fragged Empire is Australian designer Wade Dyer’s game of exploration and rebuilding in a “post-post-apocalyptic” future. In the far future you are a genetically engineered remnant, emerging from genocidal war to reclaim a lost empire. Some worlds have fallen to barbarism; some retain technology so advanced it seems magical. You stand at the dawn of a new civilization, a time of opportunity and danger.

A June 2014 Kickstarter success (with follow-up crowdfunding in 2016, 2017, and up to the present), Fragged Empire spawned the fantasy spinoff Fragged Kingdom, the pirate setting Fragged Seas, and more. All use the same robust, adaptable rules that emphasize unique characters, intuitive tactical combat, and long-term “sandbox” campaigns. The Fragged Empire YouTube channel explains it all.

From an October 2018 “Sell me on Fragged Empire” Reddit thread: “One of the most mechanically rich while still being simple (it’s just three dice, right?) combat systems that dynamically changes the battlefield and choices you might make based on attribute damage. All of that inside one of the more unique universes with all-new worlds and races that have a wealth of history and tension built in.” — “Well organized and nonlinear character creation lending itself to diverse progression that enriches a character concept and diversity. Abstract advancement system that lets you roleplay almost any situation at both ends of the table. […] Awesome combat that makes use of terrain and cover.”

FRAGGED BUNDLE [from Jan 2019]

This revived January 2019 Fragged Bundle once again presented the core Fragged Empire rulebook, several settings, and lots of sourcebooks and adventures — everything you need for science fiction, fantasy, and piratical adventure using this flexible system.

There were four titles in this revived offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $62.50), including the complete full-color 385-page Fragged Empire core rulebook (plus the free Quick Start Rules and the short adventure The Ghost Ship Carthage); Protagonist Archive 1; the full-length introductory adventure Let Sleeping Gods Lie; and the rules expansion Hacked.

This revival’s Bonus Collection added five more titles worth an additional $62.50, including Fragged Kingdom and Fragged Seas; Classic Races and Magic (add elves and clerics to your Kingdom); and Fragged Dieselpunk Mecha because why not.



Fragged Aeternum, the centerpiece of this all-new Fragged Aeternum Bundle, conjures an endless, eternal city of strife and mystery, haunted by unquiet souls of the dead. The Tethered, an order of undying champions, work heroically to ensure the people of Aeternum live long enough to find a way for their souls to ascend. This offer has the complete Aeternum setting book, its scenario Endless Depths, and its location sourcebook Greyburgh Market, along with recent supplements and scenarios for Empire, Kingdom, and Seas.

There were five titles in this Fragged Aeternum offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $62.50) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete gothic horror setting Fragged Aeternum, the Antagonist Archive 1, and three Fragged adventures: Endless Depths (for Aeternum) and Genetic Spectres and Alien Flame (for Empire).

This offer’s Bonus Collection added seven more titles worth an additional $69, including three Fragged location books — Greyburgh Market (for Aeternum), Rachel Swagger’s Guide to Mishpacha (for Empire), and Arcane Bay (for Kingdom) — and four Armoury weapon and equipment supplements for all the Fragged games: Aeternum, Empire, Kingdom, and Fragged Seas.


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