In November 2021 we presented the Classic Traveller Imperium Tour, featuring Traveller First Edition rulebooks plus many sourcebooks and adventures in the Third Imperium. In the 1980s Game Designers’ Workshop brought forth a, what’s the word, stellar array of rulebooks and supplements that tour the 11,000 worlds and the 1,100-year history of this sprawling galactic empire. This new offer presented a huge assortment of rules, settings, and scenarios — everything you need for your own High Passage through this much-loved space-opera setting.

There were eleven titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $69) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the new Classic Traveller Facsimile Edition — a “Little White Book” that reproduces the 1981 rulebooks in pristine new scans with errata corrected; two landmark 1983 releases, The Traveller Book and The Traveller Adventure; six sets of starship plans by longtime Traveller developer Loren Wiseman20-ton Launch, 30-ton Slow Boat , 30-ton Ship’s Boat, 40-ton Pinnace, 40-ton Slow Pinnace, and 600-ton Subsidized Liner; Supplement S12 Forms and Charts; and the Classic Traveller Orientation Pack, a collection of resources originally compiled for the February 2014 Classic Traveller Bundle of Holding.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with thirteen more titles worth an additional $150, including all eight Alien ModulesAslan, K’kree, Vargr, Zhodani, Droyne, Solomani, Hivers, and Darrians — and all five 1980s M-series guides to the Imperium: Tarsus, Beltstrike, The Spinward Marches Campaign, Atlas of the Imperium (plus the Enhanced Edition 2016), and Alien Realms.

These files are .PDF image scans of the original 1980s hardcopies. All are of good quality with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) applied; text is crisp and copyable. Some covers show slight wearing. The Traveller Book and Adventure, Forms and Charts, The Spinward Marches Campaign, and the first Atlas of the Imperium previously appeared in our February 2014 Classic Traveller Bundle. Tarsus was in the August 2014 Starter Traveller offer.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.


PS. Check for an amazing tool to explore Charted Space.

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