In January 2022 we presented the Mörk Borg Compatible Bundle, featuring English-language third-party supplements and adventures for the heavy-metal artpunk FRPG of miserable heretics in a bleak and doomed world, Mörk Borg from Free League Publishing. (Bleakness alert! The Mörk Bork core rulebook, which is necessary to play all these supplements and adventures, wasn’t included in this offer!)

Launched in February 2020 just ahead of the pandemic, Mörk Borg is a doom-laden, in-your-face, twist-the-knobs-off apocalyptic fantasy RPG in the Old School tradition about redemption, forgiveness, misery, and the last remaining riches of a bleak and dying world. Its layout and graphic approach are unprecedented in the hobby — if “layout” and “approach” can even convey this firehose torrent of text scrawls, ink spatters, and clipart skulls vomited onto two-page spreads of bright yellow. Mörk Borg picked up seven ENnie Awards and became a huge hit for Free League Publishing. The community has embraced it with metalhead passion. A permissive Third Party License lets ambitious indies, in supplements and adventures like those in this offer, conjure a cruel and hopeless world’s grotesque monstrosities, ready to send fools and lost souls plummeting into the pitch-black depths of despair. It’ll be fun!

There were five titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $51) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including two massive adventures from Adam Barton at newyear Studios, The Box of Shadows and The Bridges of Múr and the Endless Sea; two supplements from Philip Reed, Calo’s Book of Monsters and Tower of Scoundrels; and Richard Kelly’s Fisk Borg, which expands Mörk Borg with much-needed rules for sinister and ominous fishing.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with five more titles worth an additional $69, including The Masticator Gate (plus its Endless Demon Deck) from SkeletonKey Games; the skirmish miniatures game Forbidden Psalm (OptimisticNL); and two major adventures by Christian Eichhorn, Vaults of Torment: Blood is Fuel and Temple of the Kraken God.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this Mörk Borg offer’s pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.

(Just to recap, the Mörk Bork core rulebook you need to use these supplements wasn’t included in this offer!)


Mörk Borg resources

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