In February 2022 we presented the new Worlds of 2000 AD Bundle, featuring the licensed EN Publishing SFRPGs based on Judge Dredd and other series from the long-running British comic 2000 AD. The Judge Dredd RPG and its 2000 AD campaign supplements used the WOIN (“What’s O.L.D. is N.E.W.”) rules system, a crunchy, tactical system for adventures in many settings. EN Publishing’s license to sell these ebooks ended right after this offer concluded — but customers’ purchases remained on their Wizard’s Cabinet download page and in their linked DriveThruRPG Library after the license expires.

For 40+ years Judge Dredd has been judge, jury, and (very often) executioner of perps in Mega-City One, a dystopian American megalopolis of 800 million people. Aside from thousands of comic “progs,” Dredd has starred in board, card, video, and pinball games, novels, gamebooks, and two films. (The 2012 Dredd is fun and faithful to the character.) Dredd tabletop RPGs have appeared from Games Workshop (1985), Mongoose Publishing (d20 and MGP Traveller versions, 2002 and 2009), and now EN Publishing (2019). The WOIN version lets you play as Judges (Street, Med, Tek, and Psi) and also as citizens or even perps, not to mention robots, clones, mutants, and uplifted apes. Combat is deadly, and the weapons list goes on and on, but Cinematic Mode gives characters a Luck dice pool to stay alive. For Psykers and Judges in Psi Division there’s a long list of psionic exploits. Your character may contract weird diseases like Black Scab, 2T(Fru)T, Rigellian fever, and Jigsaw Disease, where parts of you disappear one by one. And look at all the cybernetics stuff!

Strontium Dog ran for 40 years (1978-2018) in 2000 AD and other magazines. Mutated by strontium radiation and forced to flee anti-mutant hostility on Earth, the bounty hunters of the Search/Destroy Agency hunt criminals across space to keep the galaxy safe for “norms.” Like Dredd, top Dog Johnny Alpha has appeared in novels, audio dramas (played by Simon Pegg), and a 2018 skirmish miniatures game. EN Publishing’s 176-page Strontium Dog campaign book requires the Judge Dredd RPG corebook’s combat rules and certain character-creation details, but is otherwise free-standing and includes six complete bounty contracts.

Debuting in 1981, Rogue Trooper concerns Genetic Infantryman super-soldiers on Nu Earth — the future of Judge Dredd’s Cursed Earth. Now the poisoned world has been devastated in a war of attrition between the Norts and Southers. The EN Publishing campaign sourcebook lets you play as the elite blue-skinned G.I. clones on brutal military missions against the totalitarian armies of the Nordland regime, or as simple “suits” — soldiers of either side in grueling campaigns where the slightest rip to your chemsuit brings swift, agonizing death.

Our Rulebook Collection included the complete Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD RPG Core Rulebook (plus its Counters and GM Screen, all previously presented in our February 2020 Judge Dredd and More Bundle), along with the Strontium Dog and Rogue Trooper campaign supplements.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Adventure Collection with ten more sourcebooks and scenarios worth an additional $68, including the Judge Dredd RPG titles Luna-1, The Apocalypse War, The Cursed Earth, The Day the Law Died, The Judge Child, and the seven-scenario Case File Compendium, as well as another adventure-sourcebook from the February 2020 offer, The Robot Wars. After launch we added the Rogue Trooper RPG scenario anthology Tour of Nu Earth, two Strontium Dog bounty missions, and the big Cursed Earth Poster Map. DriveThru.)

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.

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