In February 2022 we presented the Elephant and Macaw Bundle featuring The Elephant & Macaw Banner RPG of adventure in a fantastic 16th-Century Brazil from Porcupine Publishing.

Set in early colonial Brazil in 1576, Christopher Kastensmidt’s Elephant & Macaw Banner fiction series (2015-2018) chronicles the adventures of the Dutchman Gerard van Oost and the Yoruba Oludara in well-researched novelettes based on Brazilian history and folklore. In this licensed EAMB RPG your characters — adventurers from any of a dozen indigenous cultures, as well as recent arrivals from Europe and Africa — explore the Brazilian wilderness and protect its many peoples from threats both human and supernatural. This distinct and flavorful South American fantasy world has muskets, magic, and many, many monsters. It’s a Brazilian Witcher.

In 1576 Brazil, at the start of Portugal’s colonization, cultures converge and settlers face a vast, unknown territory. Portuguese authorities permit exploration only by approved mercenary companies who carry an emblematic banner. In The Elephant & Macaw Banner RPG the player characters belong to such a company. Or at least that’s what you tell the authorities.

Venturing ever deeper into the Amazonian jungle, you’ll discover new communities, weird magical creatures, probably some Portuguese soldiers, and (almost certainly) pirates. The simple task resolution system uses a 3D6+skill roll against a target difficulty to determine a binary succeed/fail outcome. Characters have Passive and Active Defense, and some characters have an Energy score to fuel supernatural powers. Often the unique and terrifying monsters of Brazilian folklore menace innocent people. An easy yet engrossing skill-based combat system, plus three kinds of magical and miraculous powers, help adventurers slay or drive off the threat.

Our Banner Collection (retail value $68) presented the complete Elephant & Macaw Banner RPG rulebook, the location sourcebook The Royal Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro, and three adventures of exploration: The Legend of the Golden Condor, The Curse of Ipaúna, and The Mysterious Demesne of Dom Perestrelo.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.


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