In April 2022 we presented the Etherscope Quick Deal featuring Etherscope, the Victorian cyberpunk RPG from Goodman Games. Ninety years after British engineers discovered Etherspace, punk Scope riders have jumped from the rails of Prime Reality into this new frontier. Fight evil industrialists and Etherspace demons — raid Lemurian ruins from before the Earth-Wrack — or join the Revolution against corrupt rulers in the Great Metropolis. Jack in and scope up with this original 2005 standalone Open Game License take on the d20 Modern rules.

This Quick Deal presents Goodman’s entire Etherscope line (not counting a third-party title, The Lemurian Candidate from SteamPowered Games). There were six titles in our Etheric Collection (retail value $52) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Etherscope corebook, Mysteries of the Occult, The Great Metropolis, the character rules expansion Upload – Etherpunk, and the short adventures Just a Delivery and Cinnamon Rose.

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