In April 2022, for just four days, we presented a new Greg Stolze Quick Deal featuring fiction by Greg Stolze, writer and game designer. Best known for his contributions to many RPGs (Delta Green, Unknown Armies, Godlike, A Dirty World, Wild Talents, Better Angels, Reign), Greg has also written stories for White Wolf, Pelgrane Press, Evil Hat Productions, Ghostwoods Books, and, above all, as a pioneer of crowdfunded self-publishing. As far back as 2005, in the primordial days before Kickstarter, Greg (along with Daniel Solis) funded a board game, Meatbot Massacre, using a “ransom model.” Greg and Daniel set up a PayPal account and promised to release the game as a free download once the account received US$600 in donations. They hit the threshold in four months from 41 donors.

Greg refined the ransom model through one of the first modern crowdfunding websites, Fundable (unrelated to the current equity-crowdfunding platform of that name), then became an early-early adopter of Kickstarter. Among 49 Kickstarter campaigns, 2009-2021, all with modest goals, Greg has funded games, webcomics, podcasts, linocut prints, several novels, and close to three dozen short stories. He releases each funded short story as a free download in his ever-growing Fiction Library. In early 2022 he started a Patreon campaign for his fiction. For most of two decades Greg Stolze has relied on his readers to fund his Muse and let him write what he wants. More than a few freelance fiction writers might envy that.

GodwalkerThis Quick Deal gathered six novels and three story collections (retail value $57) as DRM-free ebooks in both .PDF and ePub formats, including Greg’s most recent novel as of that time, GOD CANCER; the Unknown Armies novel Godwalker (previously in our Unknown Armies Bundle, October 2013); Mask of the Other; Sinner; SwitchFlipped (previously in the Bundle of Holding +3, way back in June 2013); and YOU: A Fiction, along with three short story collections: Dead Trees,The Sky is Full of Ghosts, and Thank You for Screaming.

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