In August 2022 we presented two offers – one new, one revived – featuring Legacy: Life Among the Ruins, the Powered by the Apocalypse SFRPG about building a new world in the ruins of the future. The revived September 2019 Legacy Bundle once again had the core rulebook and early supplements. Then we encouraged new explorations of the Wasteland with the new companion collection Legacy New Worlds.

Legacy is about the survivors of a reality-twisting apocalypse, the families they form, and the new world they create as the ages turn. Each generation, new threats and opportunities emerge, and a hero rises from each family to deal with them. Legacy takes inspiration from the post-apocalyptic wastelands of Fallout, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., A Canticle for Leibowitz, and Mad Max, as well as the epoch-spanning gameplay of Civilization and other 4X games. You’ll use imaginative worldbuilding tools to create your own unique post-apocalyptic landscape, home to scattered families of survivors. Your ancestors survived catastrophe thanks to luck, preparation, or pure grit. Now it’s time to leave your shelter and start rebuilding the world.

Each player controls a family, a group of survivors brought together by blood, hardship, or a shared philosophy. Your Family playbook (The Enclave of Bygone Lore, Brotherhood of Gilded Merchants, Tyrant Kings, and more) lets you customize their lifestyle (Nomadic, Dispersed, or Settled), statistics (Reach, Grasp, Tech, and Mood), guiding philosophies, traditions, and special Moves. You also start with Surpluses (such as weaponry or land) that show the family’s particular strengths, and Needs (such as medicine or leadership) that define what they lack. These tag-based resources describe your Family situation and give you clear goals.

With each generation, you create new characters and alter the families. Character stats are Steel, Sway, Force, and Lore, with playbooks including the Hunter, Envoy, Seeker, Sentinel, and many more. The dual-playbook system means it’s easy to switch from guiding a wide-ranging spy network to exploring an ancient ruin with a few allies. Once you’re done telling the story of a particular age, you move the clock as far forward as the group likes – a decade, a generation, even a century. During the time skip, your family may enjoy good fortune or suffer trials, and new threats and opportunities emerge. As generations pass and your family evolves into each new epoch, you create lasting changes in the world. What stories will you tell?

[from Sept 2019]

Legacy‘s 2018 Second Edition, funded in a July 2017 Kickstarter campaign, produced many inventive “Worlds of Legacy” system hacks, where you rebuild, or retool, civilizations in alternate settings: a starship, a magical land facing the end of time, a distant world just after planetfall, even a Material dimension frantically trying to evolve new species from Primal Planar energies. This revived September 2019 Legacy: Life Among the Ruins Bundle presented .PDF ebooks of the complete Legacy 2E rulebook, lots of Worlds, and an art book, plus a soundtrack, all for a bargain price.

There were three titles in this revived offer’s Core Collection (retail value $41), including the full-color 305-page Legacy: Life Among the Ruins Second Edition rulebook (plus three sets of free quickstart rules: Non-Compliant, Titanomachy, and Mysthea: The Bitter March); the beautiful artbook The Art of Legacy; and a soundtrack of ambient audio files, Sounds of the Wasteland, in MP3 and FLAC formats.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Worlds Collection with four Worlds of Legacy campaign settings, including Generation Ship, Primal Pathways, Godsend, and Worldfall.


This Legacy New Worlds companion offer adds recent supplements that push the game in new directions – The Engine of Life gives you new ways to rebuild, End Game presents novel world-shaking threats, and Free From the Yoke adapts Legacy gameplay for a fantasy kingdom fresh from political upheaval.

There were seven titles in this offer’s Expanded Legacy (retail value $62.50) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete The Engine of Life, End Game, Wasteland Almanac, three bloodsoaked gothic supplements in the Rhapsody of Blood series – the Rhapsody of Blood campaign book itself (previously in the Legacy Bundle in its Sept 2019 run), along with Choir of Souls and Terra Incognita – and the standalone RPG based on Legacy, Free From the Yoke.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to these two Legacy offers’ pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.

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