The Bundle of Holding has implemented a new feature: upgrades of past purchases. Every month we revive one or more past offers. Up to now, if you purchased a revival’s Starter Collection during its earlier run, the revival gave you no way to upgrade to the complete lineup. That’s changing!

If you previously got just an offer’s Starter, but now you want everything in its new revival: Visit your Wizard’s Cabinet download page on the Bundle site. At the top of the page for the original offer, a banner gives you the upgrade opportunity.

Pay the difference between the original offer’s Starter price and the current bonus threshold, and all the bonus titles will be added to your Wizard’s Cabinet and to your linked DriveThruRPG Library. The upgrade opportunity is available for the length of the revival — every revival.

  1. Thank you! This has hit me several times where I only got the basic the first time around, but the next time I really wanted the bonus but would have to repurchase the basic to get the bonus.


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