In November 2022 we presented two all-new offers featuring the Second Edition Traveller SFRPG line from Mongoose Publishing. Our Mongoose Traveller Explorations Bundle had the 2022 Core Rulebook and many recent sourcebooks. And its companion offer, Traveller Great Rift, added the void-spanning setting guide The Great Rift and the decades-long campaign Deepnight Revelation, plus many adventures in the deeps far (faaar) beyond the Third Imperium.

We presented Mongoose’s First Edition Traveller line in April 2016, then the Second Edition Starter Set and early supplements in the May 2021 Mongoose Traveller 2E Bundle. (Its companion offer featured Gareth Hanrahan’s Pirates of Drinax campaign.) This was the first time we presented the full-scale MgT2 rulebook.


Mongoose Traveller Explorations gave you everything you need to play any science fiction RPG campaign, from desperate battles across the stars against evil empires, through free traders operating on both sides of the law, to mercenary companies desperate to find their next ticket. Traveller lets you explore the universe the way it suits you.

The Update 2022 version is completely compatible with the original 2017 version of Mongoose Traveller Second Edition and its supplements and adventures. The 2022 version changes the layout and artwork, and makes some minor edits.

There were four titles in this offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $97) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022 (plus the budget-priced Explorer’s Edition and the free introductory adventure Death Station); the sector sourcebook for the Spinward Marches and Deneb, Behind the Claw; and the sector sourcebook Sword Worlds.

Those who paid more than this offer’s threshold (average) price also got this offer’s entire Bonus Collection with eight more titles worth an additional $147, including Aliens of Charted Space Volume 1 and V2; the Sword Worlds campaign Skandersvik; two Spinward subsector sourcebooks, The Bowman Arm and The Lunion Shield Worlds; two Marches Adventures, 1: High and Dry and 2: Mission to Mithril; and Deneb Adventure 1: The Lost Duke.


Traveller‘s Charted Space setting is cut in half by a region of very low stellar density a sector or more wide. Over the centuries, this natural barrier to astrogation has shaped the history of the Third Imperium. Deep in the Great Rift lie ancient mysteries, strange alien races, and human cultures who have not seen offworld contact in centuries. Portside rumors speak of giant creatures capable of interstellar flight, and of starship wrecks belonging to no known race. From the cold war of the Islands Cluster to the isolation of the Boulderfield, the Great Rift is a place of varied and insidious danger. A miscalculated jump means a slow death in deep space – yet Travellers are willing to take the risk.

The Deepnight Revelation, a refitted Imperial Navy cruiser, is bound for Terminus Point, a source of strong and confusing radio signals on the trailing side of the Riftmouth. The expedition along the Great Rift to the edge of the Spiral Arm will take nine and a half years; the earliest possible return to base is 20 years after departure; the complete journey is expected to take 24-28 years. It’s the most stupendous mission in human history, a voyage beyond everything we know.

Traveller Great Rift presented two complete campaign sets and many adventures that send your player characters on a decades-long trek to strange new worlds where no Traveller has gone before. The Great Rift is a 402-page setting guide about the incomprehensibly large void that divides the Third Imperium galactic empire. Deepnight Revelation is a 320-page campaign that covers every stage of a 500-crew starship’s 10-year journey across the Riftmouth to Terminus Point, and then (everyone hopes) back home to Charted Space.

This offer’s Bonus Collection added nine more sourcebooks and adventures worth an additional $198 that enhance your voyage across the Rift, including six Deepnight sourcebooks (Riftsedge Transit, The Near Side of Yonder, The Crossing, The Far Side of Nowhere, Voidshore, and Expeditions) and three Great Rift Adventures: 1: Islands in the Rift, 2: Deepnight Endeavour, and 3: Flatlined.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to these two Mongoose Traveller offers’ pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.

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