In August 2023 we presented the Everywhen Bundle featuring Everywhen, the universal RPG based on Simon Washbourne’s Barbarians of Lemuria. Conceived in 1992 and published in three editions (2004, 2007, and 2015) and five foreign translations, Barbarians of Lemuria from Beyond Belief Games is a cult classic of sword-and-sorcery roleplaying. BoL‘s much-admired Careers system and fast-playing, fun combat have inspired standalone RPGs in genres like post-apocalypse (Barbarians of the Aftermath), ’80s action-adventure (Dogs of W*A*R), sword-and-sandal Greek myth (Heroes of Hellas), and the swashbuckling Honor + Intrigue from Basic Action Games (which we presented in May 2023).

In 2018 longtime BoL fan Garnett Elliott published Phil Garrad’s Everywhen, a universal system that expanded the basic Lemurian framework with rules for vehicles, chases, investigations, social conflicts, psionics, and mass battles suitable for campaigns in any era or background. Elliott followed the Everywhen corebook with many supplements and adventures that show off the system’s universality: Pulse-Pounding Pulp (much in the spirit of the original Lemuria) – setting books like Neonpunk Crysis and Red Venus – and the nine-adventure collection Anywhen Adventures casts players as ancient Mesopotamians, Shaolin monks, 16th-Century vampire hunters, shogun assassins, WWII commandos, Miami vice cops, space truckers, and more. Elliott bills Everywhen as “eminently hackable” and “the AK-47 of indie games.”

Aaron Marks at Cannibal Halfling Gaming wrote in a May 2021 review that Everywhen “hit the right medium-crunch sweet spot but also had some design choices that made it easy for any GM, novice or experienced, to write exactly what they want with it. […] Everywhen impressed me. It’s light, but doesn’t lose so much granularity that you can’t take it seriously. It has some mechanical density, but not so much that you get lost. It neither has the detail and breadth of GURPS nor the modularity and adaptability of Fate, but it’s easier to teach and to write for than either of those. […] If you want to write your own RPG setting for the first time, or are trying to get your friends to try something new, Everywhen is a great choice. It may not lead many comparisons in a vacuum, but when it comes to actually getting the plots written and the dice rolled, it should be one of the first places you look.”

This all-new offer presented almost the entire Everywhen line for an unbeatable bargain price. There were four titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $30) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Everywhen corebook (plus the free supplement Weapons and Armour, the solo adventure The Fomorian, and the character sheets); the campaign sourcebooks Pulse-Pounding Pulp and Darkness: Supernatural Creatures; and the nine-scenario collection Anywhen Adventures.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with six more titles worth an additional $37, including the Vikings-vs-Mythos campaign sourcebook Wyrd Sails and five settings and adventures that range widely across genres: Blood Sundown and its Weird-West scenario Dragon by the Bay, Neonpunk Crysis and its anime-cyberpunk scenario Escape From Old Tokyo, and the rocketpunk setting Red Venus.

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