In March 2024 we presented A Magical Society, our new offer of historical sourcebooks and “Aggressive Ecologies” from Expeditious Retreat Press. These system-neutral supplements, full of ready-to-run systems, generators, gameable nuts-and-bolts details about the High Middle Ages, let you create terrain, cultures, kingdoms, landholdings, economies, and trade routes that help make every fantasy campaign setting more authentic and believable. These books help you answer questions like these:

  • “How big is my city of 15,000 people, or my kingdom of five million? How many buildings should it have, how many cultivated acres, and what do all the NPCs do?”
  • “How much should it cost for the player characters to repair that abandoned keep and use it as a home base? What would happen, politically, if they do?”
  • “What makes sense for my world’s geography, ecosystems, and climate? What kinds of cultures fit its intelligent species?”
  • “What kinds of monsters can I create, based on the world’s ecological niches?”
  • “How do I set up plausible trade routes and caravans across my world? What do they earn? What cool trade goods can they carry?”
  • “What would a caravan need for a journey into the underworld, or undersea?”

There were seven titles in our Magical Collection (retail value $136.50) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete 209-page A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe Third Edition (plus the free Guide to Monster Statistics and Guide to Mapping); A Magical Society: Ecology and Culture; Silk Road; Beast Builder; both volumes in the “Aggressive Ecologies” series – Slaver Fungus and Undead Leviathan; and an independent excerpt from Western Europe, On the Naming of Places.

All the titles in this new Magical Society Bundle appeared previously in one or another of four past Bundle of Holding offers, 2014-2019: Worldbuilder’s Toolkit 2 (Nov 2014), Toolkit 3 (Dec 2015), Toolkit 5 (Nov 2017), and Old School Revival 6 (Sept 2019).


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