In June 2024 we presented the all-new Orbital Blues Bundle featuring Orbital Blues, the lo-fi space Western RPG from SoulMuppet Publishing (Best Left Buried). This is the rock’n’roll future of yesteryear that never was – and nobody wanted. It’s an interstellar age of cowboys, outlaws, and bandits, of hypercapitalism and a cutthroat gig economy. With your ship and your crew of Interstellar Outlaws, you eke out a living in the Frontier Galaxy, chasing the dream of freedom. Orbital Blues lets you play out old-school adventures in the style of Cowboy Bebop, Firefly, and Guardians of the Galaxy.

Developed using the rules-light system of Best Left Buried, Orbital Blues uses a simple D6 based system with three basic stats (Muscle, Grit, and Savvy) to handle rolls and uncertainty. Characters also have Gambits (special talents or unique abilities) and Troubles (heartbreaks and setbacks). With these simple values players can build a wide variety of unique characters to explore the Frontier Galaxy.

Working together, Crews generate a scrappy ship to call home, and must balance their Credits and Debts to stay aloft. Not knowing how they’ll pay for a bowl of bell peppers and beef, or where they’ll find another clip for their 9mm, Interstellar Outlaws live rollercoaster lives in a constant search for work, whether it’s hauling salvage across backwater systems or getting boots on the ground sniffing out the Frontier Galaxy’s most dangerous bounties.

This Orbital Blues Bundle presented the entire game line for a bargain price even an Interstellar Outlaw can scrounge. There were three titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $37) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Orbital Blues core rulebook and the adventures Chega de Saudade and All That Glitters.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with four more titles worth an additional $47.50, including the sandbox setting A Starborn Resistance; two more adventures – Everjoy and Trouble at the Rock of Tariq; and the evocative artbook Wayward Stars.

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