In December 2024 we presented Forged in the Dark 2, an all-new offer featuring recent standalone indie RPGs that use the Forged in the Dark rules based on John Harper’s bestselling FRPG Blades in the Dark from One Seven Design Studio. Like the games in our first Forged offer (Dec 2021), these new and inventive RPGs take a wide range of approaches to adapt the fast-playing, suspenseful Blades rules to Cold War espionage, royal court intrigue, character-driven space opera, near-future action, Hogwarts-style wizard schooling, and piratical high-seas adventure.

There were three complete games in our Starter Collection (retail value $55) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Adrenaline (Adrenaline Games): A high-action modern-day or cyberpunk game of thrill-seeking characters who swindle, steal, and shoot their way to infamy and fortune – or die trying.
  • Minutes to Midnight (Oliver Smock): In a modern Cold War, a crew of spies tries to disrupt the balance of power.
  • To Teach Their Own (Mousewife Games): Grown-up witches teaching student witches valuable lessons about magic.
  • And we included the free Blades in the Dark System Reference Document.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with three more games worth an additional $46:

  • Rebel Crown (Narrative Dynamics): Courtly intrigue, obsessive ambition, and perilous conflict surround the Claimant, former heir to the throne.
  • A Nocturne (Calum Grace): The crew of an interstellar spitter craft (a vast, weird, scarred old spaceship) tries to make a profit by any means necessary.
  • Sea of Dead Men (Joe Adkisson): A crew of pirates making their fortune in the lawless Carrascan Sea.

(Note: Our friends at DriveThruRPG host many Bundle of Holding offers, but none of the titles in this offer are available on DriveThru. The links above go to these designers’ product pages on

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