In December 2024 we presented the Cities Without Number Quick Deal. Sine Nomine Publishing offered, for a special promotional price, the complete Cities Without Number Deluxe Edition core rulebook by Kevin Crawford, creator of Stars Without Number, Worlds Without Number, and Godbound.

Funded in a January 2023 Kickstarter campaign, Cities Without Number is a neon-and-dust cyberpunk sandbox, a slow chrome apocalypse. Quarreling street tribes and warring megacorps clash in the shadow of concrete towers, while swarms of impoverished citizens live on the edge of desperation. The best of them become operators, hiring out to corps and clients who need work done with no questions asked. Veteran operators are criminal nobility, pulling off jobs that not even their clients thought could be done. With cutting-edge augments and deep experience, operators work dark miracles for anyone who can meet their price. If they’re good enough, they make it to the top before they catch a bullet. Fix your hair, load your gun, and run an update on your neuroware. The end of the world is coming, but if you can pull off this next job, you’ll watch the end from a penthouse suite.

Cities Without Number is a cyberpunk roleplaying game built for sandbox adventures in a dystopia of chrome and misery. It’s a Sine Nomine toolkit for building a full-fledged cyberpunk world of your own. Fully compatible with Stars Without Number and its fantasy companion game, Worlds Without Number, Cities presents cyberware and high-tech gear suitable for chroming the discriminating cyborg; playability-focused hacking rules designed to give hacking-focused PCs useful and important things to do without forcing an entire separate mini-game on the gamemaster; gear rules for drones and vehicles; gang, corp, and city district creation tools and other system-neutral Sine Nomine worldbuilding tools; 50 Mission Tags for adventure creation, plus guidelines and step-by-step procedures for handling facility infiltrations, managing local heat, selling loot, and other activities of corp-hating street scum; and a default campaign setting: the City, a premade backdrop to help you get into the game quickly.

The Deluxe Edition includes more than 40 pages of additional material not available in the Free Version:

  • Cyberware quirks and features for particular megacorp product lines
  • Variant gengineered human types for PCs who don’t fit the baseline mold
  • The psychological strain of Cyber Alienation
  • Cheap street cyber, for campaign settings where every goon with a knife carries some wire
  • Spellcasting, spirit summoning, and magical items to add a dash of magic to the cyberpunk world

For more than a decade, the Without Number games have given GMs and players the tools they need to forge their own sandbox worlds. The Cities Without Number Deluxe Edition rulebook lets you build a dystopia all your own.

(Note: Someday, if Sine Nomine Publishing permits, we hope to present a larger Cities Without Number offer with many supplements. That bundle, if it happens, will be a new, different offer, and purchase of this Quick Deal rulebook won’t automatically entitle you to anything in that lineup.)

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