In November 2023 we presented two offers featuring City of Mist, the comic-book epic-myth neo-noir detective RPG from Son of Oak Studio about ordinary people with legendary powers in a mystery-shrouded metropolis. The revived Aug 2021 City of Mist Essentials had the core rulebooks and character playbooks. And its new companion, City of Mist Unveiled, added recent sourcebooks and adventures including Shadows & Showdowns, Nights of Payne Town, and more.

In City of Mist, myths and legends are born into modern-day people. Hardboiled detectives and cunning mob lords hold the mythic powers of characters like Alice in Wonderland, the Monkey King, and Gilgamesh. This City is full of strange places infused with modern mythology. Mist-shrouded alleys lead to cavernous fairy halls. Legend-powered villains, crooks, and psychos like the Snow Queen, Jade Emperor, and Gingerbread Witch run rampant.

Your City of Mist character is a one-of-a-kind combination of a myth, legend, or fairy tale with a modern-day walk of life – detective, vigilante, homemaker. Described using tags, your abilities, gear, and personality are completely unconstricted by fixed lists of classes, powers, or attributes. Whether you play a cynical private eye or a back-alley hero wannabe, it’s up to you and your crew to unravel the mysteries and conspiracies hidden behind the Mist, a mystical veil that prevents the unwitting City residents from seeing legendary powers. Face off against other modern-day legends, even while you struggle to balance everyday life with the Mythos inside you.

Using a simple but powerful narrative system, skillfully adapted from the Apocalypse Engine, along with custom tag-based motivation and advancement rules, City of Mist combines the super-detective mood of Daredevil and Jessica Jones with mythic themes out of the Fables comics. The City of Mist website has lots of background, free downloads, how-to-play videos, and reviews – including a nice November 2020 video review by Bundle friend Dave Thaumavore.


This bargain-priced City of Mist Essentials revival once again presented .PDFs of the complete City of Mist Player’s Guide and MC Toolkit core rulebooks (funded in a big October 2016 Kickstarter campaign), the All-Seeing Eye Starter Set (from a November 2019 Kickstarter), and many player character playbooks – everything you need for a complete urban fantasy campaign in the mean streets of this haunted city. There were thirteen titles in this revived August 2021 offer’s Core Collection (retail value $99) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete All-Seeing Eye Investigations Starter Set, the Player’s Guide and MC Toolkit core rulebooks, the MC Screen, the Location Maps, and – newly added for this revival – eight playbooks: Bassie, Ben “Baby New” Newman, Bodhi, Ghostface, Hecate, Lance Sullivan, Mairead Conroy, and Scarlet.

(And if you bought this City of Mist offer during its original August 2021 run, you also received the eight newly added playbooks on your Wizard’s Cabinet download page and in your linked DriveThruRPG Library. When you buy a Bundle of Holding, you never worry about missing titles added later – even much later.)


The new companion offer City of Mist Unveiled added major sourcebooks and adventures that draw back the curtain to reveal many secrets of the shrouded city. There were seven titles in this offer’s Locations Collection (retail value $73) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the 312-page character expansion and sourcebook Shadows & Showdowns along with six District mini-sourcebooks: Fortune Row, Independence, La Colonia de Sombras, Sunken City, Tourist Trap, and The Undertrash.

This offer’s Adventures Collection adde four more titles worth an additional $46, including the ten-part, 294-page campaign Nights of Payne Town (plus the City of Mist Crime Board City Map), as well as two Small-Time Villains: Puppet Show and Stone Cold Beauty.

[Note: Eight titles (or portions thereof) in this Unveiled offer previously appeared in the original August 2021 City of Mist Bundle: two chapters of Shadows & ShowdownsIf Dreams Could Kill and Don’t Believe the Truth; three District supplements – Fortune Row, Independence, and La Colonia de Sombras; and the “Personal Vein” trilogy of modules. These eight titles, purchased separately, have a total retail value of $78.]

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to these two City of Mist offers’ designated charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.

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