In July 2017 we tripped the city streets fantastic with two all-new offers that enhance any existing FRPG campaign: Flying Buffalo Catalyst and the Great City Campaign Setting.

Flying Buffalo Catalyst

The Flying Buffalo Catalyst Bundle marked the debut in .PDF of the classic CityBook line produced in the 1980s and 1990s by Flying Buffalo, publisher of Tunnels & Trolls. Written by dozens of leading designers and compatible with any fantasy RPG, the seven CityBooks present dozens of individual shops, establishments, and characters you can add to any urban fantasy adventure. Presented in this offer in .PDF for the first time anywhere, these well-remembered supplements joined other titles in the acclaimed Catalyst line of generic fantasy supplements. And — oh yeah — we added MSPE!

There were six titles in this Catalyst offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $30) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the first three CityBooks (I: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, II: Port o’ Call, and III: Deadly Nightside), plus the first two Grimtooth’s Traps collections (Traps One and Traps Too [sic]) and Treasure Vault, another new Catalyst scan.

Those who paid more than this offer’s threshold (average) price also got this offer’s entire Bonus Collection with eight more titles worth an additional $41:

Great City Bundle

Want a city ready to populate with your new CityBooks? Our Great City Bundle featured the massive Great City Campaign Setting from 0one Games. Twice conquered by a distant empire, ruled by the incompetent son of a cruel emperor, the Great City faces upheaval. As its political factions scheme, and its monsters hunt from underground lairs, the city waits for heroes to guide its destiny. With 0one’s near-systemless campaign guides, lightly ornamented with OGL/Pathfinder statistics, and its beautiful maps and bestselling blueprints (as state-of-the-art interactive .PDFs), you can easily add the Great City to any FRPG campaign.

Lou Agresta, co-designer of the Road to Revolution adventure path in this offer, wrote a July 2009 ENworld forum post about the design intent of the Great City: “The Great City Campaign Setting is specifically written as a plug-in city, so the surrounding areas (other than water to the left, mountains with monsters to the right, and dungeons under the mountain) are deliberately vague. The key aspect of the city is that it’s been conquered by an overseas empire — twice. The last time was 30 years ago, and resentments simmer, but are not presently aboil. The conquerors themselves are divided and playing factional politics. It’s kind of a law-practical-serious-people conquer a chaotic-lively-deep-rooted-people sort of thing. Then there are the peoples left behind by the first occupation who did what they needed to survive. The Emperor’s son rules, and he’s a jackass. Nothing is in the open, but everything teeters on an edge. This is so (1) there’s always lots of action and passion the player characters can interact with, and stances to either adopt or dispute, and (2) the PCs get to decide which direction — or none — the whole thing topples.”

We had four titles in this offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $38), including the complete 162-page Great City Campaign Setting corebook, the companion Player’s Guide, and the Backdrops collection of locations  — plus 0one’s Blueprints: The Great City.

This offer’s Bonus Collection had four more titles worth an additional $63, including the complete six-part Road to Revolution adventure path (Pathfinder version), Urban Creatures & Lairs, and the beautiful Color Map Folio — and after launch we added A Pound of Flesh (retail $7), a low-level d20 System intro (for four 3rd-level characters) to the Great City setting.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to these offers’ designated charity, the RPG Creators Relief Fund. The RCRF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization founded to provide financial assistance to tabletop roleplaying game creators suffering hardship due to medical emergencies, natural disasters, and other catastrophic situations.

  1. So, I think one the item got mixed up adding the Citybooks to my DTRPG account – I’ve got a copy of Art of the Genre’s “The Folio Digital Quarterly #2 [1E & 5E Format]”(product 216224) instead of Citybook III (product 216244). Is there any way it can be fixed?

    1. I accidentally entered the wrong DriveThruRPG catalog number for CityBook III in the Bundle of Holding system, and didn’t notice the error for several hours. I’ve corrected the catalog number. Please visit your Wizard’s Cabinet download page at the Bundle of Holding site, which will trigger our system to update your DTrpg Library with the correct CityBook III entry.

      1. I see a different problem. On my DrivethruRPG Library the only CityBooks unlocked are I and VII. I’m missing II through VI in my DTR collection! :O

        I just bought the RIFTS bundle and while those books have already unlocked there’s nothing new from the CityBook bundle added to my library.

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