In December 2018 we presented the Adventures in Middle-earth Bundle featuring the official OGL FRPG from Cubicle 7 Entertainment that brings J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth setting to your Fifth Edition games. Based on Cubicle 7’s The One Ring Roleplaying Game, Adventures in Middle-earth displays an unparalleled handling of its source material, along with gorgeous art and deep knowledge of Tolkien’s work.

This bargain-priced collection offered most of the Adventures in Middle-earth line — everything you need to conjure Middle-earth for the world’s most popular RPG. (If you purchased our previous offers of The One Ring RPG, note that much of this Adventures material is attentively converted from previously published TOR products.)

There were three titles in our Player Collection (retail value $55) as DRM-free .PDFs, including the full-color 224-page Adventures in Middle-earth Player’s Guide, the Rhovanion Region Guide (a conversion of the TOR supplement The Heart of the Wild), and The Road Goes Ever On (a conversion of TOR‘s Journeys and Maps supplement).

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Loremaster Collection with three more titles worth an additional $48, including the Loremaster’s Guide, the scenario collection Wilderland Adventures (published for TOR as Tales from Wilderland), and the introductory adventure Eaves of Mirkwood & Loremaster’s Screen.

This offer also included a 20% discount code for purchases of most Adventures in Middle-earth print products at the Cubicle 7 webstore. (The only product not included in this discount offer is Bree-land, which is not yet available in print.)

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to the charity designated by Dominic McDowall of Cubicle 7, Doctors Without Borders.

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