In May 2017 we presented the Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Bundle, featuring Onyx Path Publishing‘s 20th Anniversary Edition (2011) of White Wolf Game Studio’s original Storyteller game, Vampire: the Masquerade.

Originally published in 1991, Vampire launched the Classic World of Darkness setting that eventually encompassed hundreds of titles. In 2011, to mark two decades since Vampire‘s debut, Onyx Path produced a massive 529-page full-color rulebook, the first Classic World of Darkness book and Masquerade book to be released since the cancellation of those lines in 2004. Targeting devoted players familiar with the original game, V20 assumes broad knowledge of the “metaplot” that drove the cWoD line, but tweaks the original events to improve their usefulness. In this edition, Gehenna hasn’t happened (yet) and the metaplot belongs to the players. The presentation is setting-agnostic, allowing individual Storytellers to choose which metaplot events have occurred and which haven’t: the Assamite schism, Gangrel leaving the Camarilla, etc. V20 cleans up the original Vampire rules and brings the 1990s Goth-Punk setting up to date.

This bargain-priced collection — a follow-up to our February 2015 Vampire Bundle featuring the Second Edition rules — presented the V20 corebook and many of its Kickstarter-funded supplements. It’s everything you need for a V20 campaign of personal horror in our horrific modern time.

There were five titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $54), including the complete V20 core rulebook (retail value $30), the V20 Storyteller’s Screen (retail $2) and Companion (retail $10), the adventure Dust to Dust (retail $7), and V20 Ready-Made Characters (retail $5) with 13 ready-to-play vampires from all the Clans.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Storyteller’s Collection with seven more titles worth an additional $65:

That’s a US$127 retail value for a price a newly modernized Toreador would post to his Facebook page — or whatever social media the cool kids use nowadays.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s designated charity, the RPG Creators Relief Fund. The RCRF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to tabletop roleplaying game creators who encounter hardship due to medical emergencies, natural disasters, and other catastrophes.



  1. I realize that I was cutting it close, but you seem to have dropped the V20 bundle a few hours early. All links go to the new bundle. I guess I will have to watch for a recurrence.

    1. Apparently there’s a problem with the countdown-timer plugin on this blog. Its time remaining seems to be keyed to the blog visitor’s timezone, which isn’t helpful. I’ll ask the Bundle of Holding site programmer to investigate.

  2. Is this stuff redeemable through DrivethruRPG, in case of data loss, or is it a “lose the zip file, out of luck” scenario?

    1. When you buy any Bundle of Holding offer, the titles are automatically added to your DriveThruRPG Library. You can also download the files from your Wizard’s Cabinet download page at the Bundle of Holding site.

  3. …Question: Is the V20 Storyteller’s Screen actually part of the Starter Collection? It’s in the description, but not the book breakdown or the quick list at the top of the page.

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