PARANOIA has returned to the Bundle of HoldingAttention, citizen! In late 2014 The Computer’s loyal servants in Technical Services approved a new cloning of our June 2014 PARANOIA Bundle. This revived collection, featuring the 2004 Mongoose Publishing edition of the classic satirical SFRPG, included everything you need to become a Troubleshooter hunting traitors in Alpha Complex. And your friend The Computer generously authorized the addition of a new title in this offer, which all previous purchasers received automatically on their Wizard’s Cabinet download page.

There were five titles in our RED-Clearance starter collection (retail value $60):

  • PARANOIA (retail price $24): The 2004 Mongoose edition (“Service Pack 1,” with errata corrected) of the classic 1984 SFRPG of light-hearted backstabbing in a future underground city ruled by an insane Computer.
  • Criminal Histories (retail $9): This character-creation rules supplement helps your Troubleshooters uncover all kinds of treason in their past — their own and each other’s.
  • GM Screen and Mission Blender (retail $9): These charts let you generate an entire mission, from briefing to debriefing and terminations, with a mere 60 or 70 die rolls.
  • Service, Service! (retail $9): Secrets and missions concerning the eight fractious service groups of Alpha Complex.
  • STUFF 2, The Gray Subnets, new in the revived PARANOIA Bundle of HoldingNEW in this revival! STUFF 2 – The Gray Subnets: A big book of hugely illegal equipment. (If you purchased this offer during its original June run, you receive this book automatically on your Wizard’s Cabinet download page.)

Citizens who paid more than the threshold price (starting at $21.95) rose in clearance and got our ULTRAVIOLET collection of seven bonus supplements (retail value $69):

The Flashbacks mission collection is part of the PARANOIA Bundle of Holding

  • Flashbacks (retail $24): This must-have 256-page mission collection presents classic 1980s PARANOIA missions updated for the 2004 edition. Learn why Vapors Don’t Shoot Back, which citizens get The YELLOW Clearance Black Box Blues, when to Send in the Clones, and what to do when Something Falls Off.
  • The Traitor’s Manual (retail $9): A comprehensive guide to secret societies like the First Church of Christ-Computer Programmer, Psion, the Sierra Club, and of course, honest-to-Lenin Communists.
  • Crash Priority (retail $9): Five new missions ranging from “Guard this invisible, undetectable train” to “Serve beverages to death-row traitors.”
  • STUFF (retail $9): The Alpha Complex auction site, C-bay, offers a ton of new gear, from weapons and ordnance (Lazookas, NuFlesh First Aid Pistols) to Malfeasance Control Devices (Say-No-Evil Speech Censors, Cellophane Jumpsuits).
  • The Mutant Experience (retail $9): New mutant powers like Speed and Creeping Madness, mutagens for giving the gift that keeps on giving (treason), and special equipment just for filthy muties.
  • WMD (retail $9): A collection of four Straight-style missions, including the incredible “Hunger” by Dan Curtis Johnson.
  • Extreme PARANOIA (retail $9): A huge rules supplement for playing characters of all security clearances from ORANGE through VIOLET.

The Extreme PARANOIA rules supplement is part of the PARANOIA Bundle of Holding

Our records show you did not purchase this collection, citizen. Why not? Are you mistrustful of The Computer’s generosity? Perhaps this Internal Security agent can encourage you.

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