Anachronistic Adventures debuts in our Pathfinder New Paths bundleIn June 2015 we presented New Paths, a new collection of third-party roleplaying supplements that explore different environments and ways to play Pathfinder. Curated by Owen K.C. Stephens, Pathfinder developer for Paizo Press and Green Ronin Publishing, these titles from leading indie publishers take your PFRPG campaign in new directions — to other planes, gothic horror, and even the apocalypse. Our Starter Collection presented three titles (retail value $40) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Dark Roads & Golden Hells (Open Design, retail price $10): Recapture the spirit of Planescape with this dimension-spanning compendium.
  • Fall of Man (Samurai Sheepdog, retail $15): A complete ruined-Earth post-apocalypse gothic-horror fantasy RPG using the Pathfinder rules.
  • Path of War (Dreamscarred Press, retail $15): Supercharge your martial combat with spell-like disciplines for fighters, monks, and rogues.

Faces of the Tarnished Souk is a massive collection of nonplayer characters in our Pathfinder New Paths collectionCustomers who paid more than the threshold price also g0t our entire Bonus Collection of four more titles (retail value $82.50):

  • Anachronistic Adventures (Rogue Genius, retail $15): Presented in this offer for the first time anywhere, and available nowhere else, this 130-page compendium gathers six modern-day character archetypes and translates them for Pathfinder fantasy.
  • Faces of the Tarnished Souk (Rite Publishing, retail $22.50): A massive collection of nonplayer characters from the marketplace of the Realm of Dream.
  • Gothic Campaign Compendium (Legendary Games, retail $30): A 256-page reference indispensable for any gothic-horror game.
  • Journeys to the West from Open Design is a new addition to our Pathfinder New Paths offerJourneys to the West (Open Design, retail $15): A five-adventure island-hopping campaign exploring uncharted waters.
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