13thAge-CorebookIn December 2015 we presented our all-new 13th Age Bundle featuring the bestselling tabletop fantasy roleplaying game 13th Age from Pelgrane Press. 13th Age combines the best parts of traditional d20 fantasy RPGs with new story-focused rules, so you can run the kind of game you most want to play. Created by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet, lead designers of the 3rd and 4th Editions of D&D, 13th Age gives you all the tools you need to make unique characters who are immediately embedded in the setting in important ways — quickly prepare adventures based on the PCs’ backgrounds and goals — create your own monsters; fight exciting battles — and focus on what’s always been cool and fun about fantasy adventure gaming. Play 13th Age as a standalone game, or use it as a source of cool ideas and add-on rules for your favorite FRPG.

In the 13th Age of the world, adventurers seek their fortunes in the Dragon Empire while powerful individuals known as Icons — conquerors, sorcerers, demigods, dragons — pursue goals that may preserve the Empire from chaos, or send it over the edge. The Dragon Empire setting is intentionally left half-created, so each campaign can pioneer new stories. The network of Icon relationships, both among themselves and with the player characters, differs for each group.

13thAge-13TrueWaysThe characters’ backgrounds help define the setting. Each 13th Age player chooses “One Unique Thing” that makes his or her character interesting and hints at a story that can unfold over the campaign. Unique Things can establish facts about the world. If the player says, “I am the only acrobat who performed their way out of the Diabolist’s Circus of Hell” — well, wow! Wonderful! The GM didn’t even know there was a Circus of Hell, but of course there is — now.

This bargain-priced collection included rules, monsters, treasures, adventures, and even music — everything you need to run your own 13th Age campaign in the Dragon Empire or the setting of your choice. Our Starter Collection included three titles (retail value $62) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks and .MP3 music tracks, including the complete 325-page 13th Age rulebook (retail price $25), the 13 True Ways rules expansion (retail $21) and the huge 13th Age Soundtrack (retail $16) with atmospheric music for play sessions.

13thAge-EyesOfTheStoneThiefThose who paid more than the threshold (average) price also received our entire Bonus Collection with six more titles (retail value $81):

  • Eyes of the Stone Thief (retail $25): Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan’s massive 364-page campaign in pursuit of, and inside, a colossal living megadungeon.
  • 13th Age Bestiary (retail $21): A horde of new creatures that work as both monsters and rivals, with hundreds of variant versions plus adventure hooks, advice on building battles, and items you’ll find in their lairs.
  • The Book of Loot (retail $9): A 72-page collection of hundreds of new treasures.
  • Shadows of Eldolan (retail $9): An ideal introductory adventure set in a small town with duelling wizards’ schools.
  • Candles, Clay, & Dancing Shoes (retail $3): Your PC has gold to burn? Spend it on these six bizarre one-use magic items that make everyone’s life more interesting. This was originally published as an installment of 13th Age Monthly; see our new addition above, a code good for 20% off a one-year 13AM subscription.
  • Diamonds and Shadows (retail $14): Available exclusively in this offer and nowhere else, this is a 171-page adventure collecting, updating, and expanding seven modules from the popular first season of the 13th Age Organized Play program.

13thAge-DiamondsAndShadowsThe whole collection would cost you US$143 from a gnome merchant in Glitterhaegen, City of Coins, or perhaps even closer to home. Ten percent of each purchase (after gateway fees) was split evenly between the two charities chosen by Pelgrane Press co-owner Simon Rogers, Global Fund for Women and Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Actual Conversation With Pelgrane Press Staff Designer Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan

Bundle of Holding operator Allen Varney: Hey Gar, for this 13th Age Bundle launching Monday, what would be an appropriate “fellowship” name? As in, “Our fellowship of [NAME] brings you…”

Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan: Hmm. Something Iconic is probably the best way to go. Iconic Champions, Iconic Emissaries, Iconic Adventurers.

AV: Okay, thanks.

GRH: Iconic Icosahedrons. No, maybe not.

AV: I was about to ask “Are you drunk?” but I remembered you’re in Ireland and it’s evening.

GRH: I’ve got a head cold. Crashed out on the couch for half the day half-watching the new Ninja Turtles TV series.

AV: I should be glad you didn’t suggest “Pizza Dudes.”

GRH:Iconic Pizza Dudes.”

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