WhiteWolf-Adventure-CorebookIn May 2016 we presented the Pulp Adventure Bundle, an all-new, two-fisted collection of RPGs that conjure the spirit of the old pulp magazines — high-spirit, high-action tales you’d expect to star Indiana Jones, Doc Savage, Flash Gordon, or The Rocketeer. This bundle presents several fast-playing rules systems — Warbirds, all three corebooks for Troll Lord’s Amazing Adventures, and one of the most fondly remembered pulp RPGs, White Wolf’s Adventure! The collection also included a wide range of supplements set in Egypt, the South Pacific, the floating islands of Azure, and the rocketing reaches of spaaaace.

Outrider-WarbirdsThere were four titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $56), all presented as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Adventure! (Onyx Path Publishing, retail $9): The pulp-era counterpart of White Wolf’s larger “Aeon Continuum” setting introduced in the companion RPGs Aberrant and Trinity.
  • Amazing Adventures Corebook (Troll Lord, retail $20): Play any kind of pulp sub-genre — swashbucklers, steampunk, gaslight horror, sword-and-sorcery — with this SIEGE Engine toolkit from the publisher of Castles & Crusades.
  • Warbirds (Outrider Studios, retail $15): In an alternate reality of crimson skies and floating tropical islands, fighter pilots are celebrities flying for glory and endorsement contracts.
  • Heroes of Rura-Tonga (Griffon Publishing, retail $12): If you saw the 1980s TV show Tales of the Gold Monkey, you’ll like this systemless supplement with all the elements for a 1930s pulp campaign in the South Pacific.

Pinnacle-Slipstream-CorebookThose who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with six more titles (retail value $77):

  • Amazing Adventures Companion (retail $20) and Manual of Monsters (retail $15): Fill out your Troll Lord collection with these two indispensable supplements.
  • Slipstream (Pinnacle Entertainment, retail $10): This rockets-and-rayguns setting for Savage Worlds sends you into a planet-hopping adventure beyond a black hole. (Includes the free Savage Worlds Test Drive rules.)
  • Pulp Egypt (Griffon Publishing, retail $20): A packed sourcebook of 1930s Egypt and all the plot elements for three different campaign types in this mysterious land.
  • Warbirds: Space Age (Outrider, retail $6): The prop-plane RPG moves into outer space with this new Warbirds supplement that debuted in this offer.
  • You Must Be Mad! (Outrider, retail $6): This Warbirds Mad Science Sourcebook presents detailed scientist NPCs, laboratory examples, new rules, and dozens of new science projects and plot hooks.

That’s a total retail value of US$133. In the 1930s that would have bought you 1,330 copies of pulp magazines (or a Louis XIV walnut dining table) — this collection gives you more stories than that! Ten percent of your payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s designated charity, the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

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