DeadlandsNoir-CorebookIn August 2016 we presented the Deadlands Noir Bundle, featuring the Deadlands Noir setting for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game from Pinnacle Entertainment. Deadlands Noir makes you a detective, criminal, houngan, or Patent Scientist on the grim streets of 1930s New Orleans in the universe of Deadlands, Pinnacle’s weird-horror-Western RPG where the USA has broken up and strange things haunt the shadows.

DeadlandsNoir-FigureFlatsAlong with the complete Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition rulebook, this bargain-priced collection presented all the sourcebooks, adventures, music, and maps from the successful May 2012 Deadlands Noir Kickstarter campaign.

There were eight titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $56), all presented as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Deadlands Noir corebook (retail price $10): The complete 145-page campaign setting of occult film-noir adventure in the Great Depression. Includes the Hexaco North America and New Orleans maps (total retail $8) and the Player’s Guide (retail $5).
  • Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition (retail $10): The complete rulebook of Fast! Furious! Fun! action. Deadlands Noir is a Savage Worlds setting.
  • Deadlands Noir Figure Flats (retail $7): Thirty print-and-cut trifold standup miniatures — private eyes, grifters, voudouns, and an unsettling number of monsters.
  • Four Combat Maps (total retail $16): Large full-color maps (printable with grids or without) of downtown buildings — Manor, Offices, Theatre, and Warehouse.

DeadlandsNoir-OldAbsintheHouseBluesThose who paid more than the threshold (average) price gained an Edge and also got our entire Bonus Collection with eleven more titles (retail value $69):

  • Deadlands Noir Companion (retail $15): A massive 209-page expansion with new character options and four new settings. Includes the free Companion Player’s Guide.
  • The Old Absinthe House Blues and The Case of the Jumbo Shrimp (retail $10 each): Two full-length adventures that introduce every element of the setting.
  • Music to Die For (retail $10): Nine DRM-free audio .MP3 tracks by Harry Mack, specially commissioned to enhance your Deadlands Noir sessions.
  • Four more Combat Maps (total retail $16): When your shamus heads outside town, use these full-color maps of the Bayou, Bayou Cabin, Cemetery, and Crypts.
  • The Tenement Men (retail $4): The first “Dime Novel” tale of hardboiled horror in the Deadlands Noir setting.
  • GM Screen Inserts (retail $4): Full-color, full-size screen inserts with artwork and the most important charts and tables from Deadlands Noir.

DeadlandsNoir-CaseOfTheJumboShrimpThat’s a US$125 value for a price that in 1935 New Orleans would only get you — well, wait, it looks like $22 in 1935 could rent a cheap apartment for a month. Never mind. Anyway, ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s designated charity, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.


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