OspreyWargames-FistfulOfKungFuIn August 2016 we presented two offers to delight experienced miniatures gamers and get newcomers started. Osprey Wargames presented many miniatures game rulebooks on topics both fantastic and historical. The companion Fat Dragon Terrain Sets offer let you stock your table with hundreds of paper models to print, cut, and glue.

1. Osprey Wargames

Our all-new Osprey Wargames collection brought you full-color, beautifully illustrated rulebooks for 28mm-scale miniatures wargames from Osprey Publishing. This offer presented almost a dozen titles in the Osprey Wargames line. Ideal for beginners and popular with experienced gamers, these games range across history, legend, and pop culture, from ancient mythology to modern kung-fu fighting. And you don’t need a lot of figures to use these games — some scenarios require as few as three or four models per side.

OspreyWargames-InHerMajestysNameThis offer’s Starter Collection included three complete rulebooks:

  • In Her Majesty’s Name (retail price $14): Ready your Magneto-Static Umbrella and Cody Steam Horse walker for Victorian steampunk science fiction skirmishes in an alternate 1895.
  • Ronin (retail $14): Samurai, ninja, and bandits battle in Japan of the Warring States era.
  • A World Aflame (retail $14): Pulp-era army battles between the World Wars, including the fictitious 1930s British Civil War.

OspreyWargames-OfGodsAndMortalsThose who paid more than this offer’s threshold price also got this offer’s entire Bonus Collection with six more rulebooks (retail value $84):

  • A Fistful of Kung Fu (retail $14): High-flying Hong Kong movie action with martial artists, Taoist sorcerers, hopping vampires, and optional dinosaurs.
  • Of Gods and Mortals (retail $14): Struggles among deities, legendary warriors, and mortal armies of many ancient pantheons.
  • Lion Rampant (retail $14): Last year’s top-selling Osprey Wargames title presents simple and fast-playing medieval battles in historical or Hollywood style.
  • On the Seven Seas (retail $14): Campaigns in the Golden Age of pirates (and pirate hunters) worldwide, from the Barbary Coast to the China Sea.
  • Sleeping Dragon, Rising Sun (retail $14): A full-length expansion for In Her Majesty’s Name that adds dozens of Asian Companies, mystic Talents, weapons, and a Steam Elephant.
  • Heroes, Villains, and Fiends (retail $14): Another expansion for In Her Majesty’s Name that adds new Companies like the Zulu, Apache, the Hellfire Club, and the Knights Templar.

2. Fat Dragon Terrain Sets

FatDragonTerrain-Dragonshire-DeluxeEditionYou can cheaply add terrain to your tabletop games with Fat Dragon Games terrain sets of full-color layered .PDFs with cut-and-fold paper terrain models for roleplaying and 28mm-scale miniatures games. Designed for beginning card modelers, the sets in our offer provided hundreds of sheets of buildings, castles, dungeons, ruins, streets, docks, sewers, wilderness terrain, and even a sailing ship. Many files include graphic layers you can turn on or off to customize individual buildings with weathering, stains, moss, and much more.

All you need to assemble Fat Dragon models are basic tools: a knife or sharp scissors, straightedge, glue, a cutting mat, and hairpins. Each set includes full-color instructions for beginners — you can download them free from the Fat Dragon website — and there are instructional modeling videos on YouTube. The assembled models fold flat for easy storage.

All these sets were scaled for 28mm miniatures rules, such as the games in the Osprey Wargames offer.

FatDragonTerrain-EZDungeons-DeluxeEditionThis offer’s Starter Collection included four Fat Dragon model sets (retail value $45) as DRM-free .PDFs:

  • Dragonshire Deluxe Edition (retail price $13): A prosperous medieval fantasy village with many buildings and a bell tower. Included an archive of free models from the Fat Dragon website.
  • E-Z Dungeons Deluxe Edition (retail $15): Build any dungeon layout with these walls, doors, hallways, stairs, treasure chests, and green slimes.
  • E-Z Terrain: Overland Adventures (retail $10): Forest tiles, trees, tents, campfires, and hidden hollows that conceal enemies.
  • Ravenfell: Ruins (retail $7): Two ruined buildings ready for haunting by the nearest undead.

FatDragonTerrain-Dragonshire-CityInteriorsThis offer’s Bonus Collection included eight more titles (retail value $76):

  • Winterhawk: Castle Base Set (retail $15): A large castle with gatehouse, towers, and removable roofs and floor levels for interior play.
  • Caverns of Chaos (retail $12): Expand your E-Z Dungeons with these walls, bridges, ledges, and a lava fall.
  • Dragonshire: City Interiors (retail $12): Add these room layouts to your Dragonshire Deluxe Edition buildings, and easily replace them during play. Includes the E-Z Dungeons: Expansion Set 10 (retail $5) with tavern furniture.
  • Medieval Sailing Ship (retail $10): A single-masted cog with removable deck and detailed interiors.
  • Ravenfell: Sewers (retail $12): Includes rats and an alligator.
  • Ravenfell: Docks & Crane (retail $6): A seedy waterfront in a seedy village — a fine place to dock the Medieval Sailing Ship.
  • E-Z Dungeons: Expansion Set 8 (retail $4): More treasure chests and other props for your dungeons.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to both offers’ designated charity, Doctors Without Borders.

Assembling models: What you’ll need

Print your models on heavy cardstock with an inkjet or color laser printer. To assemble the models, you’ll need a cutting mat, ruler, sharp scissors or a razor knife (not for kids!), colored markers, pencil, paper glue or a quick-dry adhesive stick, and hairpins. You might also want foamcore, which you can buy at craft, hardware, or discount stores.

YouTube video tutorial, “Introduction to Cardstock Modeling” (Kentucky Fried Games): Part 1Part 2Part 3

Most of the Fat Dragon sets include full-color instruction guides for beginners. You can also download a free introductory guide from the Fat Dragon website.

Note: Many of these Fat Dragon Games files have graphic layer options that let you customize each building before printing it. Only the free Adobe Reader supports these layer options. (If you download Reader from that link, note Adobe bundles additional software with the Reader program unless you uncheck the “Optional offer” box.)

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