
  • Jason Sholtis contributed The Dungeon Dozens, his inventive collection of random D12 tables, to the November 2014 Worldbuilder’s Toolkit +2. Now Jason brings his fecund creativity to a new Old School sandbox adventure/mini-campaign, Operation Unfathomable — “an internally consistent gonzo funhouse that runs like a subterranean wilderness trek instead of a ‘down the 10-foot hall and kick in a door’ affair.” Get a taste of Jason’s effervescent imagination at his Dungeon Dozen blog.
  • Upwind is the new RPG by Jeff Barber, designer of Blue Planet (presented in our May 2016 Blue Planet Bundle). Upwind, “A Roleplaying Fable of Uncharted Skies,” is a game of lost science and elemental magic in the vein of famed anime director Hiyao Miyazaki. The designer describes Upwind: “Imagine Bakshi’s classic animated film Wizards has a head-on collision with Disney’s Treasure Planet and the resulting fire is put out with a whole lot of Studio Ghibli’s Castle in the Sky.
  • Jason Morningstar, designer of Fiasco, Night Witches, Durance, Grey Ranks, and other RPGs sold through Bully Pulpit Games, has contributed to many past Bundle offers. (Jason was also the Bundle’s second customer ever — he bought copy #2 of the original February 2013 Bundle of Holding.) Now he’s Kickstarting Ghost Court, “A ridiculous party game about ghosts and the people who sue them.” Ghost Court is a live-action game about spectral justice in a small claims court. “Will you be an over-the-top landlord, aggrieved at a scheduled haunting gone off the rails? Will you be a sad poltergeist who only wants to make a bad smell? In Ghost Court you might get to be both.”
  • Nathanael Cole, who contributed Motobushido to our December 2013 Super Asian Blast, is funding Gattaibushido: FUSION! Mecha Pilot RPG. Gattaibushido is “a story-driven RPG about badass mecha pilots who combine into totally sweet ultimate robos and save Humanity from Big Giant Monsters.” Pretty much sells itself.
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From Burning Wheel, makers of Mouse Guard and the Burning Wheel system, Thor Olavsrud and Luke (Burning Wheel)…