In December 2016 we presented  Family-Friendly RPGs +2, a new offer (sequel to our successful December 2013 collection) of tabletop RPGs especially good for introducing young players to roleplaying. Parents can teach these introductory games to their kids, and the kids can learn and play some of these games all by themselves. Highlights included the Kickstarter success No Thank You, Evil! from Monte Cook Games, the Lone Wolf Adventure Game (Cubicle 7 Entertainment), and Golden Sky Stories and all three of its supplements.

How do you introduce new players to the hobby? Many of us use the classics, but enterprising designers have created games just for this niche. With streamlined rules, nonviolent solutions, and light-hearted settings, these games present new and inviting worlds — and not just for children. Each game in this family-friendly offer welcomes both newcomers and veterans.

We presented five titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $56) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Harvesters (Troll Lord Games, retail price $18): Anthropomorphic heroes on their first fantasy quest.
  • Do: Fate of the Flying Temple (Evil Hat Productions, retail $10): A Fate Accelerated windpunk game of young heroes defending the Many Worlds.
  • Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures (Flatland Games, retail $8): Young heroes venture from their village into a dangerous Old School fantasy world. (Previously presented in the November 2015 Old School Revival +3.)
  • Golden Sky Stories (Starline Publishing, retail $10): Heartwarming Miyazaki-style stories of hengeyokai living and dreaming in a Japanese village. (Previously presented in our December 2013 Super Asian Bundle Blast.)
  • Young Centurions (Evil Hat, retail $10): Teenage pulp heroes protect the world of the 1910s.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with seven more titles (retail value $69):

  • No Thank You, Evil! (Monte Cook Games, retail $20): The Kickstarter sensation that shows young players how to create and explore their own imaginary universe.
  • Lone Wolf Adventure Game (Cubicle 7 Entertainment, retail $19): Reforges Joe Dever’s classic Lone Wolf gamebook series as an introductory RPG.
  • All three supplements for Golden Sky Stories (retail $8 apiece): Faerie Skies moves to England and the world of Victorian fairies. Colors of the Sky adds new henge, adventures, and (most important) candy. Fantasy Friends tells stories of village life of fantasy kingdoms — you can play a dragon, elemental, magical sword, or even a slime!
  • Beyond the Wall: Further Afield and Heroes Young and Old (total retail $6): Expand your one-session adventures into an extended campaign with new Character Playbooks, spells, and NPCs.

That’s a US$126 value for less than it costs to take two kids to one movie. Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s designated charity, The Game Academy. The Game Academy is a nonprofit organization committed to the social, emotional and academic success of learners of all ages through the use of tabletop roleplaying games and live-action roleplay.


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