In July 2018 we presented two offers featuring Ars Magica Fifth Edition, the landmark historical fantasy RPG from Atlas Games. First, we revived, for an unprecedented fourth time, our original August 2014 Ars Magica 5 Bundle with the core rulebook and key supplements. And its all-new companion offer, ArM5 Mythic Europe, toured the magical medieval homeland of the wizards in the Order of Hermes.

Designed by Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein-Hagen, Ars Magica, about the wizards of the mystical Order of Hermes in 13th-Century Mythic Europe, is one of the roleplaying field’s seminal designs. The 2011 Fifth Edition from Atlas Games is widely regarded as the best. We’ve revived the August 2014 ArM5 Bundle three times already, in 2015, 2016, and 2017. And we’ve presented two new companion offers, More Magic and Wizards & Power. But there are still many Hermetic texts left on the Atlas Games bookshelf — great supplements that continue to enchant us. If you haven’t yet visited Mythic Europe, these two collections conjure its entire panorama.

1. The original Ars Magica 5 Bundle
[from August 2014]

The resurrected Ars Magica 5 Bundle included the Fifth Edition corebook and essential supplements. This offer’s Starter Collection had five DRM-free .PDF ebooks (total retail value $55):

  • Ars Magica Fifth Edition: The complete, current 240-page rulebook.
  • Covenants: The essential guide to help players improve the homes of their magi.
  • Houses of Hermes: True Lineages: A detailed treatise on four powerful Houses of the Order of Hermes.
  • Apprentices: Every great magus started as a callow youth.
  • The Living Covenant: Over two dozen free characters and setting files from the Atlas Games website, collected here in a handy 42-page booklet.

Tales of Mythic Europe (Ars Magica 5)Those who paid more than this offer’s threshold (average) price also got this offer’s entire Bonus Collection with five more supplements worth an additional $70:

  • Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults and Societates: The second and third treatises on the Hermetic Houses.
  • The Lion and the Lily: The Normandy Tribunal sourcebook about the many active covenants in densely populated northern France.
  • The Broken Covenant of Calebais: The first-ever ArM adventure, originally written by Mark Rein-Hagen and Jonathan Tweet, updated for the current edition.
  • Tales of Mythic Europe: Nine short adventures that push your saga to the limits of Mythic Europe.

2. ArM5 Mythic Europe [all-new]

This all-new ArM5 Mythic Europe offer presents culture and character sourcebooks that enhance the Ars Magica setting. This offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $60) had four sourcebooks about the people and institutions of Mythic Europe: Lords of Men (plus its free Web Supplement), The Church, City & Guild, and Art & Academe.

This offer’s Bonus Collection added four more character supplements worth an additional $60: Magi of Hermes, Legends of Hermes, Antagonists, and Grogs.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to these two Ars Magica offers’ designated charity, Doctors Without Borders.

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