In October 2019 the “October Horrors” continued with an all-new and particularly hellish offer, the Deadlands: Hell on Earth Bundle featuring the “Classic” version of Hell on Earth, the Pinnacle Entertainment post-apocalyptic Deadlands Classic setting of road warriors in the Wasted West.

In the centuries after the Weird West game’s alternate history of 1876, horrific other-dimensional entities called the Reckoners fomented warfare and destruction across the American West and the world. In 2081 a devastating Last War released evil spirits and arcane energy, making the entire world a Deadland — but the Reckoners’s own machinations trapped them here on the toxic, irradiated Earth. Now, in 2094, the heroes of the Wasted West try to reclaim the land and destroy the Reckoners.

Compatible with the original 1996 Deadlands Classic and the recent Deadlands 20th Anniversary Edition, Hell on Earth replaces the Weird West’s mad scientists and hucksters with many new and revised player character types: radslinging Doomsayers, brain-burning sykers, scavenging tech-wizard junkers, the Harrowed (walking dead), and righteous Templars. The eclectic post-apocalyptic setting permits wide-ranging and wild campaigns right out of Mad Max, Damnation Alley, Terminator, and Akira. The game’s metaplot introduced an unexpected extraterrestrial element: a space colony, Faraway, founded in 2044 by Helstromme Industries and then stranded after the Last War on Earth. This storyline spawned the third Deadlands game, Lost Colony (2002).

Pinnacle later adapted Hell on Earth for the d20 System and, as Hell on Earth Reloaded, for Savage Worlds. This all-new collection presented almost every book in the 1998 HoE Classic line in pristine .PDF scans with crisp text and artwork. (Iron Oasis is an image scan of lower quality.)

There were eleven titles in our Player Collection (retail value $56) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Marshal Collection with fourteen more titles worth an additional $78:

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to the charity chosen by Shane Hensley of Pinnacle Entertainment, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

  1. What type of dice system is used for this? d6 (Travellers), d20 (3.0, 3.5, and Pathfinder 1E). Thanks for any information. I did a google search to try to find out, but didn’t see anything that gave an answer. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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