In July 2021 we presented the all-new Zobeck 5E Bundle, featuring D&D Fifth Edition sourcebooks and adventures from Kobold Press. Though easily transportable to any FRPG setting, these supplements are set in the Kobold campaign world of Midgard, a land of deep magic inspired by the myths and folklore of Eastern and Central Europe. In particular, this offer explored the beating heart of Midgard: the Crossroads region and the Free City of Zobeck.

Born in the fires of revolution, Zobeck — a protectorate of Rava, the Clockwork Goddess — shares borders with the dwarven Ironcrag cantons, the undead-ruled Blood Kingdom of Morgau, the human kingdom of the Magdar, and the Duchy of Perun’s Daughter — and, belowground, the dark and hungry Ghoul Imperium. Famous throughout Midgard for its alchemy, clockwork magics, steamworks, its magnificent Arcane Collegium, and its egalitarianism, Zobeck is a bustling trade hub of active marketplaces and dark, deadly alleyways.

(It’s easy to locate the Crossroads and Zobeck on this cool Midgard zoomable map on the Kobold Press website.)

The Bundle of Holding visited Zobeck early in our history, with the Pathfinder and d20 supplements in our July 2013 Bundle of Zobeck — our fifth offer ever. (This new Zobeck 5E offer was #530 or so.) Kobold Press has kept the Free City current, with 5E conversions of the main sources and a steady stream of new expansions, crowdfunded through Kobold’s Warlock magazine Patreon and campaigns such as the May 2019 Empire of the Ghouls Kickstarter. This new offer presented Empire and other recent Zobeckian adventures, along with the popular Underworld Player’s Guide.

There were three Fifth Edition titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $35), including the Zobeck Gazetteer, Streets of Zobeck, and Eldritch Lairs. (Note: We presented Pathfinder versions of Streets and the Gazetteer in our July 2013 Bundle of Zobeck. These are the conversions for D&D Fifth Edition.)

Those who paid than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with four more 5E titles worth an additional $76, including Empire of the Ghouls (plus its Map Pack); the Underworld Player’s Guide, with rules for player character races like darakhul, dark trollkin, derro, dhampir, drow, mushroomfolk, and shades; and a compilation of articles drawn from ten issues of Warlock magazine, Warlock Grimoire.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief gets protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.

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